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- 1D diffusion transport of crystolecules
- 2023-03-12
- 2023-05-28
- 2023-06-01
- 2023-06-05
- 2023-06-06
- 2023-06-07
- 2023-06-08
- 2023-06-17
- 2023-08-26
- 3D modeling
- 3D structural DNA nanotechnology
- AP
- APM and nuclear technology
- APM in Anime
- APM related terms
- AP manufactured solar cells
- AP suit
- AST ADT chicken egg problem
- A Minimal Toolset for Positional Diamond Mechanosynthesis (paper)
- A better intuition for diamondoid nanomachinery than jelly
- A true but useless theory of everything
- Abiotic peptide synthesis
- Absolute limits
- Abundant element
- Abundant elements
- Accidental heatpump
- Accidental path
- Accidentally suggestive
- Acetylene
- Acetylene molecule sorting pump
- Acetylene sorting pump
- Achieving sufficient effective atom placement frequency
- Activation energy as a loose analog to evolutionary obstacles
- Active color gemstone display
- Adhesive interfaces
- Advanced nanofactory design
- Advanced productive nanosystem
- Air accelerator
- Air as a resource
- Air using micro ships
- Airmesh
- Algorithmic selfassembly
- Alternatives to the term "Nanofactory"
- Aluminium
- Aluminum
- An architecture for universal construction via modular robotic components (paper)
- Analogies and their dangers
- Anatase
- Annotated lambda diagram
- Annotated lambda diagram mockups
- Annotated lambda diagrams
- Annotated lambda diagrams visual rules
- Apatite
- Applicability of macro 3D printing for nanomachine prototyping
- Architectural engineering
- Argon
- Arrow of time
- Artificial life
- Artificial motor-muscle
- Artificial motor-muscles
- Asphalt
- Assembly from atomically precise nanoscale and microscale parts
- Assembly layer
- Assembly layers
- Assembly level
- Assembly level 1
- Assembly level 1 (gem-gum factory)
- Assembly level 2
- Assembly level 2 (gem-gum factory)
- Assembly level 3
- Assembly level 3 (gem-gum factory)
- Assembly level 4
- Assembly level 4 (gem-gum factory)
- Assembly level 5
- Assembly levels
- Assembly line assembly
- Assembly line orienting stage
- Assembly line positioning stage
- Assembly lines in gem-gum factories
- Assembly subsystem
- Assembly subsystem of a gem-gum factory
- Assemby chamber
- Asteroid belt
- Asteroid mining
- Atmosphere sentinels
- Atmospheric mesh
- Atom placement frequency
- Atomic orbitals
- Atomic precision
- Atomic resolution
- Atomically precise
- Atomically precise bearings
- Atomically precise diamondoid slide bearing
- Atomically precise disassembly
- Atomically precise electrochemical converters
- Atomically precise manufacturing
- Atomically precise nanostructure
- Atomically precise positioning
- Atomically precise roller gearbearing
- Atomically precise slide bearing
- Atomically precise small scale factory
- Atomically precise structure
- Attachment chains
- Autogenous
- Automated research
- Automatedly maintained megapark
- Back-pressure track segments
- Backup plan
- Base Truss Crawler
- Base material
- Base material with high potential
- Base materials with high potential
- Batch transport for reduction of friction losses
- Beautiful differentiation (Conal Elliott)
- Beryl
- Beryllium
- Beta carbon nitride
- Big bang as spontaneous demixing event
- Binary diamondoid compound
- Binary diamondoid compounds
- Binary gem-like compound
- Biointerfacing gem-gum based technologies
- Biological analogies
- Biomineralization
- Biominerals
- Block diagram of a gem-gum on-chip factory
- Bond order
- Bonded forces
- Books
- Bootstrapping
- Bootstrapping atomic precision
- Bootstrapping methods for productive nanosystems
- Bootstrapping productive nanosystems
- Boron nitrogen dative bond interfaces
- Bottom-up Top-down overlap
- Bottom-up manufacturing
- Bottom scale assembly lines in gem-gum factories
- Bottom up positional assembly
- Brachiating gridcrawlers
- Branching factor
- Bridging the gaps
- Bromellite
- Brookite
- Brownian Path
- Brownian assembly
- Brownian motion
- Brownian technology path
- Building chamber
- Bunching
- CO2 problem
- Calcite
- Calcium
- Capsule transport
- Carbon
- Carbon capture buoy scenario
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon dioxide collector
- Carbon dioxide collector unit
- Carbon dioxide harvesting unit
- Carbon dioxide harvesting units
- Carbon sequestration
- Carriage particle accelerators
- Carrier pellet
- Carrier pellets
- Castle in the sky
- Catalysis construction kit approach
- Cellular shape shifting tangible systems
- Center for Bits and Atoms
- Ceres
- Ceria
- Chain of blocks
- Chain of zones
- Challenges in the visualization of gem-gum factories
- Chamber to part size ratio
- Characteristic bending length
- Charts for gemstone-like compounds
- Cheat sheet
- Chemical element
- Chemical energy transmission
- Chemical energy transport
- Chemical stability
- Chemical synthesis
- Chemomechanical conversion
- Chemomechanical converter
- Chemomechanical converters
- Chemospring
- Chlorine
- Circumsembly
- Citizen science
- Claytronics
- Clean room lockout
- Cleanroom lockout
- Climate crisis
- Climate emergency
- Clip connector
- Cold welding
- Colonisation of the solar system
- Colonization of asteroids
- Colonization of the solar system
- Color emulation
- Combining advantages of different selfassembly technologies
- Common critique towards diamondoid atomically precise manufacturing and technology
- Common misconceptions
- Common misconceptions about atomically precise manufacturing
- Common stones
- Community portal
- Comparison of mechanical character of different bonds types
- Compenslow
- Compiling to categories (Conal Elliott)
- Component
- Component (gem-gum factory)
- Components
- Compute architectures
- Computronium
- Concrete
- Confluence of mechanical actuation
- Connection mechanism
- Connection method
- Connection methods
- Conservative estimation
- Consistent design for external limiting factors
- Construction kit analogy for the periodic table of elements
- Constructive solid geometry
- Content addressed
- Continuity of perception
- Continuity of throughput
- Control flow multiverse
- Control hierarchy
- Control hirarchy
- Convergent assembly
- Convergent assembly comparison
- Convergent assembly layer
- Convergent assembly to hierarchical assembly correspondences
- Convergent mechanical actuation
- Convergent self-assembly
- Convergent self assembly
- Convergent selfassembly
- Cooling
- Cooling by heating
- Coordinate bond
- Coordinate bonds
- Coordinative bonds
- Copification square
- Copyfication square
- Corundum structure
- Coumputation subsystem
- Coupling mechanism
- Covalent bond
- Covalent bonds
- Covalent interfacial bonding
- Covalent welding
- Cryovolcanism
- Crystolecul
- Crystolecular
- Crystolecular element
- Crystolecular unit
- Crystolecule
- Crystolecule assembly robotics
- Crystolecule fragment
- Crystolecule metamaterial technology
- Crystolecule routing layer
- Crystolecules
- Curry-Howard-Lambeck isomorphism
- Curry Howards correspondence
- DIY SPM projects
- DME assembly robotics
- DMME examples
- Dangers
- Data-compression
- Data IO bottleneck
- Data compression
- Data decompression chain
- Data taken hostage
- De-novo protein design
- De-novo protein engineering
- De-novo proteins
- Debugging
- Decompression chain
- Deep drilling
- Defining traits of gem-gum-tec
- Defining traits of gem-gum-tech
- Defining traits of gem-gum tech
- Deliberate slowdown at the lower assembly levels
- Deliberate slowdown at the lowest assembly level
- Deltalumite
- Denotative continuous-time programming (Conal Elliott)
- Denotative design (Conal Elliott)
- Desert scenario
- Design levels
- Design of Crystolecules
- Design of advanced nanofactories
- Design of crystolecules
- Design of gem-gum on-chip factories
- Determinism of AI
- Dialondeite
- Diamond
- Diamond like compound
- Diamond like compounds
- Diamondoid
- Diamondoid balloon products
- Diamondoid compound
- Diamondoid compounds
- Diamondoid crystolecular machine element
- Diamondoid heat pipe
- Diamondoid heat pipe system
- Diamondoid heat pump
- Diamondoid heat pump system
- Diamondoid machine element
- Diamondoid metamaterial
- Diamondoid metamaterials
- Diamondoid molecular element
- Diamondoid molecular elements
- Diamondoid molecular machine element
- Diamondoid solar cell
- Diamondoid solar cells
- Diamondoid structural meta materials
- Diamondoid waste incineration
- Diffing
- Diffusion
- Diffusion slowdown blockade
- Diffusion transport
- Digital control over matter
- Digital control over reversibly composable units of matter
- Digital fabrication
- Digital manufacturing
- Direct manipulation
- Direct path
- Direct physical hacking attacks
- Disaster proof
- Discussion of proposed nanofactory designs
- Dissipation sharing
- Distorted visualisation methods for convergent assembly
- Distorted visualization methods for convergent assembly
- Divide and conquer
- Drexler-Smalley debate on molecular nanotechnology
- Drive subsystem of a gem-gum factory
- Drive system
- Dynamic rebootstrapping of upper convergent assembly levels
- Dystactic phase
- Early diamondoid nanosystem pixel (direct path)
- Early nanosystem pixel (direct path)
- Early prototyping of piezochemical mechanosynthesis
- Ecophagy