Binary gem-like compound
Binary gem-like compounds are gemstone like compounds that are constituted out of just two chemical elements.
[hide]- 1 Possible motivations for preferring them over single element compounds (allotropes)
- 2 An exhaustive list of the binary compounds of interest is possible
- 3 Classification by resistance against water
- 4 III - V compounds
- 5 Silicon dioxide and related compounds
- 6 Some interesting oddballs (not necessarily diamondoid)
Possible motivations for preferring them over single element compounds (allotropes)
- desired biodegradability
- making use of abundant reactive elements like e.g. calcium beside just carbon silicon and maybe boron
- better accessibility of these materials in earlier productive nanosystems
- access of properties that are not emulatable by bond topology and bond strain alone (that is by metamaterial structure) most prominently electronic properties
An exhaustive list of the binary compounds of interest is possible
There aren't that many elements in the periodic table that are available in vast abundance. Systematically combining them to pairs does lead to a manageable amount of possibilities. A pretty exhaustive list can be given. After checking for the stability and suitability of these compounds the list of the ones that turn out to seem suitable as structural building materials become even shorter.
Many ternary compounds can be derived from binary ones by suitable substitution of atoms. For orientation something like pseudo phase diagrams can be used.
Classification by resistance against water
binary compounds that do not react or dissolve in water
One important subclass of the water stable binary compounds are the passivation layer minerals of today's industrial metals.
A big advantage of them is that their effect on human skin (in bulk contact - not nanoparticle form!) is widely known to be safe for most of them.
Other binary water stable compounds are:
- SiC silicon carbide mossanite - transparent when pure
- B4C boron carbide
- SiB4; SiB6 ? silicon boride
- AlB12 aluminium dodecaboride - hard
- β-C3N4 beta carbon nitride (possibly a health hazard if cyanide release can occur - to investigate)
- Si3N4 Nierite (Mohs 9), silicon nitride trigonal α-Si3N4, hexagonal β-Si3N4, cubic γ-Si3N4
- BN Qingsongite (Mohs 9-10), cubic boron nitride - very similar to diamond (also cubic and hexagonal "allotropes" - and a graphitic form)
- BP boron phosphide - transparent and chemically very stable
- CaB6 calcium hexaboride - non water soluble earth alkali compound which is uncommon - irritating
- SiO2 quartz (it's actually slightly water soluble) & allotropes like dense and hard stishovite (Mohs 9-9.5 !!)
- Tectosilicates: [1] [2]
- Al2O3 aluminum oxide aka corundum or sapphire
- Fe3C cohenite aka cementite (Mohs 5.5-6 orthorhombic 7.65g/ccm)
- iron silicides & iron borides ? - unknown properties
- FeS2 iron disulfides - pyrite (Mohs 6-6.5 cubic) and marcasite (Mohs 6-6.5 orthorhombic) ...
- FeS troilite or iron-sphalerite (Mohs 3.5-4 | hexagonal or cubic respectively)
- diverse iron oxides
- FeO wüstite (Mohs 5-5.5 | cubic) (sunstitution Fe->Mg leads to periclase MgO)
- Fe2O3 iron(III) oxide
hämatite (α-form | Mohs 5.5-6.5 | trigonal)
maghemite (γ-form | Mohs 5 | cubic with a tetragonal supercell)
iron bixbyite (unnatural end-member? | Mohs 6-6.5 | cubic) - Fe3O4 iron(II,III) oxide
magnetite (Mohs 5.5-6.5 | cubic) - the various iron nitrides Fe2N, Fe3N1...Fe3N2 (Iron(II) Nitride), Fe4N, Fe5N2, Fe7N3 and Fe16N2 (nitrogen loss at high temperatures)
- Fe4N iron roaldite (Mohs 5.5-6.5 | cubic | metallic)
- Fe5N2 siderazote / silvestrite
- ZnO zincite zinc oxide (Mohs 4 | hexagonal | 5.68g/ccm) (wurtzite structure) (oxygen in tetrahedral coordination)
- ZnS zinc-sphalerite or zinc-wurtzite zink sulfide (Mohs 3.5-4 | cubic or hexagonal respectively |3.9-4.2g/ccm)
- Cu3P copper(I) phosphide (copper is not too abundant)
- CuXSY copper sulfides CuS covellite, Cu2S chalcocite, many more ...
- CuO tenorite Copper(II) oxide (Mohs 3.5-4 monoclinic)
- Cu2O cuprite Copper(I) oxide (Mohs 3.5-4 cubic) sensitive to moist air
- B6O boron suboxide (hardest known oxide)
- various structures and stoichiometries of manganese oxides
- MnO manganese(II) oxide
manganosite (Mohs 5-6 | cubic | 5.364g/ccm) (rock salt structure)
likely stable: manganese end-member zincite (hexagonal wurtzite structure) - MnO2 manganese dioxide
pyrolusite (β-form) (Mohs 6-6.5 | tetragonal - rutile structure)
(α-form is akin to similar to hollandite) - Mn2O3 manganese(III) oxide (forms: α,γ,CarlO3); α-form is: manganese bixbyite (Mohs 6-6.5 cubic)
- Mn3O4 manganese(II,III) oxide hausmannite (Mohs 5.5 | tetragonal) (magnetite structure?)
- ZrO2 baddeleyite (Mohs 5.5-6) cubic zirconia (Mohs 8-8.5)
Theres is a big stable group of B-C-N compounds, a few aluminum (Al2O3,AlB) and few silicon (SiC,SiO2,N4Si3) compounds.
There seem to be no binary iron minerals that have hardness above mohs 6.5
Titanium formConstructing Isosurfaces with Sharp Edges and Cornerss chemically and mechanically rather stable compounds with many nonmetals.
- TiC titanium carbide (May form a passivation layer when in contact to moist air / water => sealed use only?)
- TiSi2 titanium disilicide (unknown mechanical properties ?)
- TiB2 titanium diboride
- TiN Osbornite titanium nitride
- TiP titanium(III) phoshide (metallic conductivity)
- titanium sulphides TiS (goldbrown), TiS2 (bronze/golden yellow), Ti2S3 (black,graphitic), TiS3, Ti3S4, Ti4S5, Ti4S8, Ti8S9
- TiO2 Ti2O3 titanium oxide polymorphs: rutile anatase brookite (same crystal structure as superhard stishovite SiO2)
- Other titanium oxides (de)
Lead and tin:
- α-PbO2 Scrutinyite (Mohs ?? | density 9.867 g/cm3 calculated)
- β-PbO2 Plattnerite (Mohs 5.5 | density ~9.06 g/cm3)
- SnO2 Cassiterite (Mohs 6-7 | density 6.98 - 7.1 g/cm3)
Misc (rare elements):
- CeO2 [3] interesting due to good lattice scaled stiffness (??) / compatibility with water (?)
- MoO2 Tugarinovite (de) [4] (Mohs 4.6)
- GeO2 Argutite (Mohs 6-7)
- CrN Carlsbergite (Mohs 7 | 5.7g/ccm)
binary compounds which very slowly dissolve in water and are thought to be rather nontoxic
Solubility is good for an envirounmental viewpoint (decay time of abandoned scrap material) but bad for engineering materials. Especially in nanosystems the slightes bit of dissolvation completely destroys the outermost layer of nanomachinery. This makes sealing of products and high system reduncancy even more necessary than it is when more stable materials are used.
- Al4C3 aluminum carbide - hydrolyses to aluminum hydroxide and methane
- AlN aluminum nitride - oxidizes in air @ room temperature (layer <= 10nm) - hydrolyzes slowly in water to aluminum oxide and ammonia
- S2N2 disulfur dinitride shock sensitive - decomposes explosively above 30°
- S4N4 tetrasulfur tetranitride explosive decomposition to nitrogen and sulfur 4N2 + S8
- (SN)X polythiazyl - conductive inorganic polyner chain
- P the allotropes of elementar phosphorus
- S the allotropes of elementar sulfur
simplest most water stable compounds of abundant alkaline eart metals
- MgO periclase also magnesium oxide aka magnesia very low but nonzero water solubility
- MgO2 magnesium peroxide irritant, environmentally persistent
- CaS calcium sulfite decomposes with water to calcium hydroxide and hydrogen sulfide gas - oldhamite end member
- MgB2 magnesium diboride (high temperature superconductor)
- CaB2 calcium diboride ??
most water stable solid fluorides from abundant metals
- TiF3 titanium fluoride
- MgF2 magnesium fluoride aka sellaide
- CaF2 calcium fluoride aka fluorite
dangerous compounds to stay away from
- solid nitrogen (except you want to make highly potent explosives)
- AlP extremely toxic. See Wikipedia page about: Acute aluminium phosphide poisoning (AAlPP)
- Al2S3 toxic - H2S generation
- sulphur phosphorus compounds - highly toxic
- Fe3P highly toxic
- BF3 BCl3 PCl3 all highly toxic (but gasseous anyway)
reactive but useful compounds
Many other highly reactive compounds may be useful when encapsulated and serving a non structural like electronic or other function.
- Mg3N2 magnesium nitride
III - V compounds
Note that nitrogen and phosphor forms four covalent bonds here instead the usual three. This can be pictured as their lone pair of electrons sticking into the electron deficient orbitals of boron or aluminum. The character of this bond is distributed over all four bonds such that perfectly tetrahedral symmetry is reached.
- BN cubic boron nitride - highly stable and similar to diamond
- BP boron phosphide - rather stable thus maybe low toxicity (?)
- AlN aluminium nitride - slowly attacked by water - low toxicity
- AlP aluminium phosphide - highly toxic - releases phosphine when in contact with water
The elements Ga,In,Th & As,Sb,Bi that are also in group III and V respectively are rather scarce and thus not considered here.
Table of III - V compounds: (wikipedia)
All compounds reached by full substitution of silicon or oxygen by their groupmembers carbon or sulfur respectively are rather unstable. Partial substitutions should work though. See: pseudo phase diagrams.
- allotropes SiO2 (e.g. quartz,...)
- structurally equivalent solid CO2 - probably explosive (similar to room-temperature solid nitrogen) since normally the well known low energy gas
- structurally equivalent solid CS2 - normally a molecular liquid
- structurally equivalent SiS2 - normally a soft solid made from polymeric chains
Some interesting oddballs (not necessarily diamondoid)
- CS2, SO3, Osmium oxide, ...
- Transition metal monoxides
- For binary chemical compounds suitable for advanced APT sorted by the chemical element they contain check out the page: Chemical element
- Limits of construction kit analogy
External links
- Wikipedia: Category:Binary_compounds Binary_compound