Difference between revisions of "Logs"

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(2023: added note on lost earlier history)
(49 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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The plan here is to do a manual log here in reverse chronological order that <br>
Plan is to do a manual log here in reverse chronological order that <br>
is more condensed than the "recent changes" in the side-pane.
is more condensed than the "recent changes" in the side-pane.
* ... upcoming
== 2025 ==
* Upcoming :)
{{wikitodo|Some image uploads are missing for 2025}}
* [[2025-03-01]]: '''New pages: [[ReChain tension redirection method]], [[ReChain Self centering‎]].''' Major additions to: [[Intercrystolecular snapping modes]], [[RepRec pick-and-place robots]]. Soe changes on: [[Snap connectors]] now renamed to [[Clip connector]]
* [[2025-02-28]]: '''New pages: [[Quasi amorphous structure‎]], [[The benefits of nonmonolithic structures]], [[PWM converter]].''' <br>Edits on pages: [[Kaehler bracket]], [[ Intercrystolecular snapping modes]], [[Mechanical pulse width modulation]], [[The DAPMAT demo project‎]] (links)
* [[2025-02-26]]: Edits on page: [[Intercrystolecular interactions‎]]
* [[2025-02-25]]: Edits on pages: [[Assembly from atomically precise nanoscale and microscale parts‎]], [[Intercrystolecular snapping modes‎]], [[Intercrystolecular levitation]]
* [[2025-02-24]]: Major edits to pages: [[Accidental heatpump‎]] (added image), [[VdW suck-in]] (added image),  [[Intercrystolecular snapping modes‎]]
* [[2025-02-21]]: '''New pages: [[Polyhedra of peculiar interest]], [[Rigging]], [[Knots]]. Added link to [[Support]] page to page [[ APM:About‎]]'''
* [[2025-02-19]]: Some minor edist on pages: [[Acetylene sorting pump]], [[Polyyne rods‎]], [[Assembly levels]], [[Sub-layer‎]], [[Utility fog]]
* [[2025-02-18]]: '''New pages: [[Intercrystolecular snapping modes‎]], [[Intercrystolecular interactions‎]], [[Intercrystolecular levitation‎]], [[Nonbonded forces‎]], [[Bonded forces‎]]'''
* [[2025-02-14]]: '''New page: [[Assembly from atomically precise nanoscale and microscale parts‎]]'''
* [[2025-02-13]]: '''New pages: [[Asteroid mining‎]] & [[Rarest elements of the periodic table of elements]].''' Minor edits on: [[Crystolecule assembly robotics‎]]
* [[2025-02-09]]: Some additions on: [[Atomic orbitals‎]] & [[Sandbox]] (logging a TODO)
* [[2025-02-03]]: Major edits on page: [[Utility fog‎;]]
* [[2025-01-10]]: Major edit on page: [[Intuitively understanding the size of an atom]]
* [[2025-01-10]]: Major edits on page: [[Stiffness]]
* [[2025-01-01]]: Minor edits on pages: [[Grey goo horror fable]] and [[Self limitation for safety]]
== 2024 ==
* [[2024-12-23]] '''New pages: [[AST ADT chicken egg problem]], [[Lambda calculus encodings of algebraic data types‎]], [[Divide and conquer‎]], [[Control flow multiverse]].'''
* [[2024-12-23]] '''New page: Software hacking'''. Major edits on pages: [[Consistent design for external limiting factors‎]], [[Safety towards and with gem based APM]].
* [[2024-12-03]] '''New page: [[Annotated lambda diagrams visual rules‎]]'''
* [[2024-11-19]] '''New page: [[System complexity scaling with positional assembly]] (+490)'''. '''Major additions to [[System complexity scaling with self-assembly]]''' (+1,342 on tether assisted transport/assembly), [[Base materials with high potential]] (+1,273 new MAX phases section), [[Mixed path]] (+866 on combining strengths section), and [[Stiffness focusing]] (+282 on formula limits). Multiple link and terminology updates. Page rename: "System complexity scaling of self-assembly" to "System complexity scaling with self-assembly"
* [[2024-11-18]] '''Major additions to [[Logs]] (this page here)''' (+2,941 October entries, +2,318 September entries, +709 November entries, AI assisted summarizing of edit history). Added content to [[Circumsembly]] (+203 on stiffness notes)
* [[2024-11-17]] Nothing
* [[2024-11-16]] '''New pages: [[System complexity scaling with self-assembly]] (+6,318), [[Persistence length]] (+1,536), [[Quantifying progress by scaling in achievable complexity]] (+1,428), [[Hierarchical self-assembly level]] (redirect to Selfassembly level), [[Non-thermal self-assembly]] (redirect to Self assembly without dependence on thermal motion)'''. '''Major additions to [[System complexity scaling with self-assembly]]''' (added Tether assisted assembly section, kinetic traps & steric traps content, and multiple ResearchGate references with figures)
* [[2024-11-11]] '''New pages: [[ReChain force hydrant]] (+5,193, additional +2,069 on operation guide), [[Stiffness focusing]] (+2,856, additional +971 on 1D problem math)'''
* [[2024-11-10]] '''New pages: [[Operation modes of a gem-gum factory]] (+3,674, additional +2,589 on mechanosphere egress), [[Carbon sequestration]] (+5,033, additional +591 on improvements), [[Automatedly maintained megapark]] (+656), [[CO2 problem]] (redirect to Climate crisis), [[Climate emergency]] (redirect to Climate crisis)'''. Added new illustration [[:File:NanofactoryOperationModes.svg]] [[File:NanofactoryOperationModes.svg|frameless|right|50px]]
* [[2024-11-03]] '''New pages: [[Nature reserve]] (+1,268), [[APM in Anime]] (+1,074), [[World building]] (+1,903), [[Organically shaped truss crane]] (+3,595), [[Air accelerator]] (redirect to Medium mover)'''. Added new illustrations: [[:File:Organically-shaped-truss-crane-sketch.jpg]] [[File:Organically-shaped-truss-crane-sketch.jpg|frameless|right|50px]], [[:File:C00-HomeScaleAssemblySystems.jpg]] [[File:C00-HomeScaleAssemblySystems.jpg|frameless|right|50px]], and [[:File:Tentacle-like-manipulators-1.png]] [[File:Tentacle-like-manipulators-1.png|frameless|right|50px]] to various pages. '''Major updates to [[Form factors of gem-gum factories]]''' and [[Global microcomponent redistribution system]] (added images and descriptions). Page rename: [[Gem-gum tentacle manipulator]] to [[Gem-gum fairy-hand-tentacle manipulator]].
* [[2024-10-21]] '''New page: [[General purpose positional assembly stage]] (+2,786)'''. '''Major additions''' on direct path pros/cons and notes on self-replication capability.
* [[2024-10-20]] Added new illustration [[:File:Soft macroscale manipulator illustration.jpg]] [[File:Soft macroscale manipulator illustration.jpg|frameless|right|50px]] to [[Gem-gum tentacle manipulator]]
* [[2024-10-19]] Nothing
* [[2024-10-18]] '''New page: [[A better intuition for diamondoid nanomachinery than jelly]] (+2,845)'''. '''Major additions to [[Mechanical energy transmission]]''' (+1,019 on bearing friction). '''Major changes to [[Gem-gum]]''' (factored out intuition section to new page, added new section on better intuition). Added illustration to [[Gemstone based metamaterial]]
* [[2024-10-06]] '''New page: [[Mechanosynelf assembly]] (+1,258)'''. '''Major additions to [[Atomic precision]]''' (+2,822, extensive content on benefits and manufacturability) and '''[[For all practical purposes]]''' (new examples about diffusion and UHV). Added images: [[:File:Qrcode apm-bplaced-net.png]] [[File:Qrcode apm-bplaced-net.png|frameless|right|50px]] and significant update to [[Incremental path]] (+511, added MMCN image)
* [[2024-10-01]] Minor updates to [[Misleading aspects in animations of diamondoid molecular machine elements]], [[Same relative deflections across scales]], and [[Spiroligomer]] (added bis-amino acids term)
* [[2024-09-28]] '''New pages: [[Mesoscale manufacturing technologies]] (+980, additional +981 on casting and resin printing), [[DIY SPM projects]] (+1,235, additional +854 on project links)'''
* [[2024-09-27]] Minor grammar fixes
* [[2024-09-20]] '''Major additions to [[Limits of power density imposed by limits of cooling]]''' (+1,070, new summary section plus mechanical strength limit notes)
* [[2024-09-15]] '''New pages: [[Limits of power density imposed by limits of cooling]] (+11,030), [[The challenge of high speeds near nanoscale]] (+1,570), [[The limits of cooling]] (+4,738)'''. '''Major additions to [[Common misconceptions about atomically precise manufacturing]]''' (+1,389 on diamond nanomachines stiffness, +447 elaborations, +508 on development difficulty). Added images: [[:File:556px-Steel-Dowel-Pins.jpg]] [[File:556px-Steel-Dowel-Pins.jpg|frameless|right|50px]] to [[Same relative deflections across scales]], plus illustrative graphics to several pages. '''Major update to wiki main page''' (+855 on debunking common misconceptions)
* [[2024-09-14]] Added archive image: [[:File:579091 360W SPM Tip Article old.png]] [[File:579091 360W SPM Tip Article old.png|frameless|right|50px]]
* [[2024-09-09]] Minor additions to [[Compute architectures]]
* [[2024-09-08]] Updates to [[Compute architectures]] (+314 on functional programming hardware) and [[Node editor]] (added project links)
* [[2024-09-07]] Nothing
* [[2024-09-06]] Nothing
* [[2024-09-05]] Minor additions to various Conal Elliott related pages (improved cross-linking and references)
* [[2024-09-04]] Nothing
* [[2024-09-03]] Updates to [[Structural editor]] and [[Projectional editor]], moving content between them. Added content to [[Edit time immutability]] about schema syncing.
* [[2024-09-02]] '''New page: [[Compute architectures]] (+3,519)'''. '''Major additions to [[Compute architectures]]''' (+1,596 on reversible computing architectures, +1,016 misc section, +831 on RALA, +395 delineation intro). Added illustration to [[Reversible computation]]: [[:File:Principles of Adiabatic Processes powerpoint ppt presentation Slide29 Possible Adiabatic Transitions.png]] [[File:Principles of Adiabatic Processes powerpoint ppt presentation Slide29 Possible Adiabatic Transitions.png|frameless|right|50px]]. Updates to [[List of programmatic 3D modelling tools]] (added Bauble and CSG tools)
* [[2024-08-27]] '''New page: [[Potential products along pathways to gemstone based APM]] (+1,680)'''
* [[2024-08-26]] Nothing
* [[2024-08-25]] Minor updates to [[Node editor]] (added project links)
* [[2024-08-19]] Added link to yet unwritten Reversible mechanosynthesis page
* [[2024-08-18]] '''New pages: [[Edit time immutability]] (+2,466), [[Node editor]] (+5,435, +684 additional cleanup and improvements)'''. Added multiple external links and cross-references to various node editor tools and projects. Updates to [[Materializable programs]] (improved cross-linking)
* [[2024-08-17]] File maintenance: Updated [[:File:AnnoLamDiag IdenticonsAndArityCues.svg]] (renamed ELD to ALD) [[File:AnnoLamDiag IdenticonsAndArityCues.svg|frameless|right|50px]]
* '''some lost logs below'''
* [[2024-08-17]] File maintenance: [[:File:AnnoLamDiag IdenticonsAndArityCues.svg]] [[File:AnnoLamDiag IdenticonsAndArityCues.svg|frameless|right|50px]] (renamed from ELD to ALD), added [[:File:AnnoLamDiag IdenticonsAndArityCues.png]] [[File:AnnoLamDiag IdenticonsAndArityCues.png|frameless|right|50px]] ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-08-11]] Added [[:File:IndexedNutLockingMechanism.jpg]] [[File:IndexedNutLockingMechanism.jpg|frameless|right|50px]], moved page "MechanicalThroughJointThreading" to "Mechanical through joint threading" ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-08-01]] File renames: "PotentialEarlyNanofactorySystemArchitecture" to "PotentialEarlyProductiveNanoSystemArchitecture" (both .svg and .png versions) with terminology update from "nanofactory" to "productive nanosystem" ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-07-17]] Page move: "Steric traps" to "Steric trap" (plural to singular) ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-07-02]] Page moves: "Mokel" to "Mocle" (German to English term), "Entropic enegry storage" to "Entropic energy storage" (typo fix) ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-05-09]] Added new illustrations: [[:File:ParkLikeCitySurfaceOnSteepSlopes.jpg]] [[File:ParkLikeCitySurfaceOnSteepSlopes.jpg|frameless|right|50px]], [[:File:NatureReserveObservationsAccess.jpeg]] [[File:NatureReserveObservationsAccess.jpeg|frameless|right|50px]] ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-05-04]] Added key illustrations: [[:File:GemGumSuit.jpeg]] [[File:GemGumSuit.jpeg|frameless|right|50px]], [[:File:GMRS-large-scale-regional-cache.png]] [[File:GMRS-large-scale-regional-cache.png|frameless|right|50px]], [[:File:Infosheet myth-proposed-outdated.jpg]] [[File:Infosheet myth-proposed-outdated.jpg|frameless|right|50px]], [[:File:CO2-harvester-buoy-deployed.jpeg]] [[File:CO2-harvester-buoy-deployed.jpeg|frameless|right|50px]]. Page moves: Multiple page renames for consistency and typo fixes ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-04-24]] Page move: "Mechanical through joint motion threading" to "RR/Mechanical through joint motion threading" ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-04-20]] Added [[:File:DiamondoidsAreNotJellyLikeFloppy.jpeg]] [[File:DiamondoidsAreNotJellyLikeFloppy.jpeg|frameless|right|50px]] illustrating gem-based-APM concepts ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-03-09]] Added DNA-related illustrations: [[:File:3D-blocks-from-DNA-bricks-concept.jpeg]] [[File:3D-blocks-from-DNA-bricks-concept.jpeg|frameless|right|50px]], [[:File:Shape-complementary non base pairing 3D DNA paper bricks figure.jpeg]] [[File:Shape-complementary non base pairing 3D DNA paper bricks figure.jpeg|frameless|right|50px]], [[:File:Shape-complementary non base pairing paper mannequin figure.jpeg]] [[File:Shape-complementary non base pairing paper mannequin figure.jpeg|frameless|right|50px]], [[:File:Finite Assembly of Three‐Dimensional DNA.jpg]] [[File:Finite Assembly of Three‐Dimensional DNA.jpg|frameless|right|50px]] ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
*[[2024-03-03]] Added [[:File:B-doped graphene nanoribons.jpg]] [[File:B-doped graphene nanoribons.jpg|frameless|right|50px]] showing STM images ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-03-01]] Added [[:File:ConvergentAssemblyThroughputScalingLaw-compressed.jpg]] [[File:ConvergentAssemblyThroughputScalingLaw-compressed.jpg|frameless|right|50px]] illustrating scaling laws ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-02-29]] Added [[:File:PotentialEarlyNanofactorySystemArchitecture.svg]] [[File:PotentialEarlyNanofactorySystemArchitecture.svg|frameless|right|50px]] and [[:File:PotentialEarlyNanofactorySystemArchitecture.png]] [[File:PotentialEarlyNanofactorySystemArchitecture.png|frameless|right|50px]] conceptual sketches of early diamondoid nanosystem pixel. Page move: Changed "Proto-assembler - outdated" to "Proto-assembler (outdated)" ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* [[2024-02-28]] Added [[:File:QPlus sensor with zoomin.jpg]] [[File:QPlus sensor with zoomin.jpg|frameless|right|50px]] from IBM Research ('''lost logs''', ''missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes'')
* '''some lost loges atop'''
* [[2024-02-11]] Meta: Adding logs to [[Logs]] here. … ongoing
* [[2024-02-10]] Meta: Adding logs to [[Logs]] here. (And cross-linked page: [[Medium mover suit‎]].)
* [[2024-02-07]] More on [[Log polar mapping]] and <br>'''added new illustration to pages [[Form factors of gem-gum factories]] and [[Gemstone metamaterial on chip factory‎]]'''
* [[2024-02-06]] New page: '''[[Log polar mapping‎]]''' and '''adding a lot of images''' (also to [[Distorted visualization methods for convergent assembly]]). <br>'''Added new illustration to page: [[Reasons for APM]]''' (replacing the old one)<br>'''Added two new illustration to page: [[The look of our environment]]'''
* [[2024-02-02]] New page: '''[[Likely visual appearance of gem-gum products]]''' + crosslinking
* [[2024-02-01]] Some minor edits & crosshyperlinking mainly around: [[Tracing trajectories of component in machine phase‎]], [[Nanofactory math based on continuity of throughput‎]], [[Non-destructive modeling‎]], [[Relations of APM to purely functional programming]], and [[Lagrangian mechanics for nanomechanical circuits]]
* [[2024-01-19]] Minor on [[Energy, force, and stiffness‎]] made intro points more readable
== 2023 ==
* [[2023-12-18]] Minor on [[Applicability of macro 3D printing for nanomachine prototyping‎]] added link to yet unwritten page [[Projects by mechadense]]
* [[2023-12-16]] On page '''[[Superelasticity]] added section == Quantitative =='''
* [[2023-12-13]] Big New page: '''[[Safety towards and with gem based APM]]''' & integrated link from wikis [[Main Page]]
* [[2023-12-13]] '''Major additions to [[Common misconceptions about atomically precise manufacturing‎]] and [[Nanoscale surface passivation]].''' <br> '''New pages [[Diffusion]], [[Oxidation]], and [[Scaled down 3D printing]]'''. And minor edits on other pages. …
* [[2023-12-10]] Minor additions to pages [[Mechanosphere‎]] (added image), [[Diamondoid waste incineration]], [[Global microcomponent redistribution system‎]], and [[Recycling]].
* [[2023-12-07]] Minor addition to page [[Exotic math]] (Lambert W Function)
* [[2023-12-05]] More edits on [[Emulated elasticity]] and …<br>
'''Significant addition to [[Nanomechanics is barely mechanical quantummechanics]]. Section with note on deviation from kT/2 per DOF.'''
* [[2023-12-04]] Huge additions to [[Emulated elasticity]] (intro); New page [[Hyper isolation chamber]]
* [[2023-12-01]] Minor edits on [[Sandwich compound]]
* [[2023-11-28]] Big addition to [[Future-backward development‎]] (where future backwards work makes more and where less sense) <br> some edits on [[Theoretical overhang‎]]
* [[2013-11-27]] '''New page: [[Well merging‎]]. Added an excellent illustrative image from reversible computing slides.'''<br> Also some edits to [[Reversible computation]] and [[Piezochemical mechanosynthesis‎]]
* [[2013-11-21]] Added quite a bit to page [[Diamond]] (when its not the ideal material)
* [[2013-11-19]] Big edits on [[Friction]] small edits on [[Compenslow]] (Details on mesoscale friction and atomically precise roller gearbearings)) <br>and [[Friction in gem-gum technology]]
* [[2013-11-08]] Big edits on: [[Robust metamaterial balloon]] and [[Atmospheric mesh]]
* [[2013-11-06]] Minor changes on [[Molecular assemblers as advanced productive nanosystem‎]] & pagerenames
* [[2023-11-05]] Minor changes on [[Negative pressure bearings]]
* [[2023-11-02]] Minor changes on [[Deep drilling]]
* [[2023-10-18]] Some changes on [[Vacuum handling‎]] and [[Desert scenario]]
* [[2023-10-15]] Big changes on [[The fractal braided river of fate‎]] and [[Inverse quantum isolation‎]] and a few other [[Philosophical topics‎]] pages.
* [[2023-10-14]] Changes on [[Global microcomponent redistribution system]], [[Desert scenario]], and [[On chip microcomponent recomposer‎]] ('''including adding new images''').
* [[2023-10-13]] Lots of changes on [[Digital control over reversibly composable units of matter]].
* [[2023-10-11]] '''A LOT''' New pages: '''[[Phase space]]''', '''[[Assembly subsystem]]''', '''[[Coupling mechanism]]''', '''[[Seamfull covalent welding]]''' <br> major edits on: '''[[Grouping of geometries‎]]''', '''[[Naive groupings as dumbed down functions]]''' and more (updating the logs here from [[2023-08-26]])
* [[2023-10-05]] Minor typofices on [[Digital control over reversibly composable units of matter‎]] and related seciton for [[Digital manufacturing]]
* [[2023-09-24]] '''Major addition to [[Proto-assembler (outdated)]]'''
* [[2023-09-19]] Some minor additions to [[High performance of gem-gum technology]], [[How macroscale style machinery at the nanoscale outperforms its native scale‎]], [[Exotic math]], [[Useful math]]
* [[2023-09-11]] Major additions to the new pages from [[2023-09-09]] <br> [[Why ultra-compact molecular assemblers are not desirable]], [[Why ultra-compact molecular assemblers are too inefficient‎]], and more
* [[2023-09-10]] Major addition to [[Why ultra-compact molecular assemblers are too inefficient‎]]
* [[2023-09-09]] New pages '''[[Early nanosystem pixel (direct path)]], [[Why ultra-compact molecular assemblers are too inefficient‎]], [[Why ultra-compact molecular assemblers are too difficult‎]], [[Why ultra-compact molecular assemblers are not desirable]]'''
* [[2023-09-06]] Some minor edits on [[The negative effects that public overexcitement can have]] and [[General tips for productive communication]]
* [[2023-09-01]] Minor edit on [[How to deal with common critique towards diamondoid atomically precise manufacturing and technology‎]] originally from [[2023-08-26]]
* [[2023-08-30]] Many edits and several new pages [[Sticky fingers]], [[Sloppy fingers]], [[Wobbly fingers]], [[Jittery fingers]], <br>[[SPM microscopy]], '''[[ General tips for productive communication]]'''
* [[2023-08-29]] Minor edits on [[Why larger bearing area of smaller machinery is not a problem]] and [[ Exciting super far term visions for gemstone metamaterial technology‎]]
* [[2023-08-28]] New page: '''[[The negaive effects that public overexcitement can have‎]]''', big additions to [[Exploratory engineering]]
* [[2023-08-27]] [[Sulfur]], [[Io (moon)]] '''(with pic)''', Extensions to: '''[[Exciting super far term visions for gemstone metamaterial technology]]''', New page: [[Determinism of AI‎]], New page: [[Religion of the quantum random fate extenders‎]], Lots of yet nwritten pages added to: [[Story scenarios‎]], Extensions to: [[Global microcomponent redistribution system‎]] '''(added pic)'''
* [[2023-08-26]] '''A LOT!'''
* [[2023-08-23]] Minor edit: [[Higher throughput of smaller machinery‎]]
* [[2023-08-20]] New: [[Mechanosphere‎]], Edits: [[Colonization of the solar system‎]] (Earth remains biggest place topic)
* [[2023-08-15]] Big new page: [[Diamondoid‎]] (discussing the miller-index faces) & [[Base materials with high potential‎]] (tistarite details) & [[Scaling laws by degree of knownness‎]] (some details)
* [[2023-08-13]] [[Zoo of quasiparticles‎]], [[Nanoelectronics‎]], [[Superconductors]] – 3 big new pages
* [[2023-08-05]] [[Carbon capture buoy scenario‎]] some minor edits.
* [[2023-08-01]] [[VdW suck-in]] added link to analogies with surface tension – video & wikipedia
* [[2023-07-28]] Minor edits on: [[Infinitesimal bearing‎]]
* [[2023-07-21]] Minor edits on: [[Bridging the gaps]], [[Present-forward development]], [[Future-backward development‎;]]
* [[2023-07-11]] New page: [[Denotative design (Conal Elliott)]], Major additions to: [[Beautiful differentiation (Conal Elliott)‎]], New page: [[Software trouble pages‎]], Loads and loads of small edits on other pages.
* [[2023-07-03]] Minor edit on [[Distorted visualization methods for convergent assembly]]
* [[2023-07-02]] New pages: [[There is limited room at the bottom‎]], [[ Gemstone based medical nanobots‎]], [[Techno plants]]
* [[2023-07-01]] Nothing
* [[2023-06-30]] New page: [[There is plenty of room at the bottom‎]]
* [[2023-06-29]] Nothing
* [[2023-06-28]] Nothing
* [[2023-06-27]] Added infographic to page "[[Circumsembly]]" and did various page crosslinking
* [[2023-06-26]] Nothing
* [[2023-06-25]] massive update on the page "[[Atmospheric mesh]]" added two illustrations
* [[2023-06-24]] merely a single edit on page "[[Self replication]]"
* [[2023-06-23]] Nothing
* [[2023-06-22]] Massive changes: Split two pages off of the main page about [[Molecular assembler‎]]s. <br>[[Proto-assembler]] and [[Molecular assemblers as advanced productive nanosystem (outdated)‎]] <br> New pages: [[Semi hard-coded structures]] and [[Mobile microscale robotic device‎]]
* [[2023-06-21]] Minor changes on page [[Molecular assembler‎]] and [[ List of programmatic 3D modelling tools]], New: [[List of molecular modeling software supporting crystolecules]]
* [[2023-06-20]] Major update of page: [[Gem-gum technology‎]] (adding missing main body). <br>New pages: [[Microcomponent recomposer microbot‎]], [[Microcomponent test-and-repair microbot‎]], [[Carbon capture buoy scenario‎]].
* [[2023-06-19]] New page: [[Ultra high resolution atomically resolving imaging via SPM microscopy‎]]
* [[2023-06-17]] Several new pages and updates (mainly about robotics and spill)
* [[2023-06-17]] Several new pages and updates (mainly about robotics and spill)
* [[2023-06-16]] Added relevant links to [[Boron nitrogen dative bond interfaces‎]]
* [[2023-06-16]] Added relevant links to [[Boron nitrogen dative bond interfaces‎]]
* [[2023-06-15]] Some minor changes on page [[Reproduction hexagon‎]]
* [[2023-06-15]] Some minor changes on page [[Reproduction hexagon‎]]
* [[2023-06-14]] Two new pages: [[For all practical purposes]], [[Impossible]]. <br>Some updates in the related section of the "[[Dangers]]" page and page "[[The three axes of the Center for Bits and Atoms‎]]".
* [[2023-06-14]] Two new pages: [[For all practical purposes]], [[Impossible]]. <br>Some updates in the related section of the "[[Dangers]]" page and page "[[The three axes of the Center for Bits and Atoms‎]]".
* [[2023-06-08]] Several pages (a lot)
* [[2023-06-08]] Several pages (a lot)
* [[2023-06-07]] Several pages (including this nice one: [[Lagrangian mechanics for nanomechanical circuits‎]])
* [[2023-06-07]] Several pages (including this nice one: [[Lagrangian mechanics for nanomechanical circuits‎]])
* [[2023-06-06]] Several pages (materials & programmatic modelling)
* [[2023-06-06]] Several pages (materials & programmatic modelling)
* [[2023-06-05]] Several pages
* [[2023-06-05]] Several pages (materials)
* [[2023-06-03]] Updated page [[Support]]
* [[2023-06-03]] Updated page [[Support]]
* [[2023-06-01]] Several pages
* [[2023-06-01]] Several pages (mixed bag)
* [[2023-05-28]] Several pages
* [[2023-05-28]] Several pages (mixed bag)
* [[2023-05-20]] [[Machine element]]
* [[2023-05-20]] [[Machine element]]
* [[2023-05-17]] [[Suitable mechanisms]]
* [[2023-05-17]] [[Suitable mechanisms]]
Line 23: Line 232:
* [[2023-03-16]] [[Wear free‎]], [[Wear‎]]
* [[2023-03-16]] [[Wear free‎]], [[Wear‎]]
* [[2023-03-12]] Several pages
* [[2023-03-12]] Several pages
I found that there's a rolling cutoff. <br>
So seems '''earlier history is lost'''. <br>
Sorry about that. <br>
For earlier entries see "Recent changes" in the left side-pane. <br>
For earlier entries see "Recent changes" in the left side-pane. <br>
To go back beyond the given options of entries and days <br>
To go back beyond the given options of entries and days <br>
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== Related ==
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Latest revision as of 11:35, 1 March 2025

The plan here is to do a manual log here in reverse chronological order that
is more condensed than the "recent changes" in the side-pane.


  • Upcoming :)

(wiki-TODO: Some image uploads are missing for 2025)


  • some lost logs below

  • 2024-08-11 Added File:IndexedNutLockingMechanism.jpg
    , moved page "MechanicalThroughJointThreading" to "Mechanical through joint threading" (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • 2024-08-01 File renames: "PotentialEarlyNanofactorySystemArchitecture" to "PotentialEarlyProductiveNanoSystemArchitecture" (both .svg and .png versions) with terminology update from "nanofactory" to "productive nanosystem" (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • 2024-07-17 Page move: "Steric traps" to "Steric trap" (plural to singular) (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • 2024-07-02 Page moves: "Mokel" to "Mocle" (German to English term), "Entropic enegry storage" to "Entropic energy storage" (typo fix) (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • 2024-04-24 Page move: "Mechanical through joint motion threading" to "RR/Mechanical through joint motion threading" (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • some lost loges atop


Significant addition to Nanomechanics is barely mechanical quantummechanics. Section with note on deviation from kT/2 per DOF.

I found that there's a rolling cutoff.
So seems earlier history is lost.
Sorry about that.

For earlier entries see "Recent changes" in the left side-pane.
To go back beyond the given options of entries and days
edit the url in the browsers address bar.
