ReChain tension redirection method
50px | This page is part of the ReChain project. Short for Rebar CoreChain Systems. For an index of all pages of this project, see the category page ReChain. |
(wiki-TODO: Add illustrative image. Ideally a concrete 3D printable design eventually.)
The core idea here is to tension multiple parts together by using tension one uniaxial source.
Semi concrete example:
Axial tensioning core (ATC: e.g. induced by a screw or a ReChain CoreChain)
by means of two opposing concave conical washers
pushes radially inwards and together multiple roughly orange slice shaped parts
but before they contact the ATC in the center they contact tangentially an get pressed together sideways.
So tension goes from axially to radially to tangentially.
(axial => radial => tangential)
Thus "tension redirection method".
Minor detail: In case of only two half shells radial coincides with tangential.
This seems to be well suited for: ReChain Nodes
Important aspect: Self centering
To get precise alignment this can (and very much should)
be combined with principles of self centering.
There is also "tension redirection" in ReChain CoreChains
when they are made to go around an e.g. 90° corner using a seesaw mechanism. (disambiguate?)
Also related: Forks in the tensioning networks. (whippletree)