
From apm
Revision as of 11:03, 1 March 2025 by Apm (Talk | contribs) (partial update)

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The plan here is to do a manual log here in reverse chronological order that
is more condensed than the "recent changes" in the side-pane.


  • TODO


  • some lost logs below

  • 2024-08-11 Added File:IndexedNutLockingMechanism.jpg
    , moved page "MechanicalThroughJointThreading" to "Mechanical through joint threading" (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • 2024-08-01 File renames: "PotentialEarlyNanofactorySystemArchitecture" to "PotentialEarlyProductiveNanoSystemArchitecture" (both .svg and .png versions) with terminology update from "nanofactory" to "productive nanosystem" (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • 2024-07-17 Page move: "Steric traps" to "Steric trap" (plural to singular) (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • 2024-07-02 Page moves: "Mokel" to "Mocle" (German to English term), "Entropic enegry storage" to "Entropic energy storage" (typo fix) (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • 2024-04-24 Page move: "Mechanical through joint motion threading" to "RR/Mechanical through joint motion threading" (lost logs, missing are: new page creations, major content additions/edits, text content changes)

  • some lost loges atop


Significant addition to Nanomechanics is barely mechanical quantummechanics. Section with note on deviation from kT/2 per DOF.

For earlier entries see "Recent changes" in the left side-pane.
To go back beyond the given options of entries and days
edit the url in the browsers address bar.
