Wobbly finger problem

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Up: Finger problems

This page is completing the finger problems pages.
Beyond fat fingers and sticky fingers, sloppy fingers and jittery fingers suggest themselves.

Deflections (sloppy wobbling) from thermal motions

The concern here is that it may not be possible to have stiff enough nanorobotic machinery and tooltips to allow for positionally atomically precise mechanosynthesis.

In desirable far term target context (somewhat exploratory engineering):
This has been analyzed theoretically in the tooltip cycle paper.
Results are that this is managable with plenty of headroom.

In the more near term pathways context:
– For the direct path this has been experimentally confirmed to work at least via macroscopic robotics in SPM microscopy.
– For the incremental path sloppy fingers still apply unless combining advantages of different selfassembly technologies to get an especially stiff core in a lagre complex enough positional system (e.g. foldamer printer). Which has not yet been experimentally accessed (as of 2023).

Deflections from accelerations from machine motions - a non-issue

Worried about how absolute stiffness diminishes with scale?
See page "same relative deflections across scales" for an explanation regarding why
this is not a problem in the context of accelerations from machine motions at proposed speeds of about ~5mm/s.
