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= Very good materials =
== Best of the best ==
== Best of the best ==
* [[diamond]] and its polymorphs including hexagonal diamond aka [[lonsdaleite]]
All diamondoids come in:
* cubic zincblende structure
* hexagonal wurzite structure
Related main page: [[Diamond like compounds]]
=== Best diamondoid compounds ===
'''C – pure carbon "[[dialondeite]]"''' this includes the allotropes:
* C in zincblende structure is called [[diamond]] of the normal cubic variety
* C in wurzite structure is called [[lonsdaleite]] "hexagonal diamond"
'''SiC – gemstone quality optically transparent silicon carbide aka [[moissanite]].''' <br>
The structure of natural moissanite is in-between the zincblende and the wurzite structure. <br>
This is part of what makes natural moissanite more though than natural diamond. <br>
<small>This does not apply to piezochemically mechanosynthesized and very small structures like some [[crystolecules]] though.</small> <br>
A main advantage of moissanite over diamond is it's high heat and oxidation resistance.
'''Si – pure [[silicon]]''' (eventually) <br>
Not optically transparent since a semiconductor with low enough bandgap. <br>
Lower mechanical chemical and thermal stability then the above.
'''BN – diamondoid [[boron nitride]] (cubic c-BN and hexagonal w-BN)''' <br>
Boron is not super extremely abundant and available. <br>
There is a rare natural mineral of the cubic variety called – [[quingsongit]] [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Qingsongit (de)] – cubic – Mohs 9-10 <br>
<small>Like graphene in the case of carbon there's a graphitic polymorph of BN. This is not counted as "diamondoid" here.</small>
'''BC<sub>2</sub>N – heterodiamond''' <br>
Basically an intermediate between [[dialondeite]] and "diamondoid boron nitride".
'''AlN – [[aluminum nitride]]''' – optically transparent due to big bandgap (visible light) <br>
A main advantage compared to boron nitride is that aluminium is much more common than boron. <br>
Disadvantages are lower mechanical (thermal?) and chemical stability. <br>
The surface is not stable against water at the nanoscale level <small>(powders hydrolyse to amonniak NH<sub>3</sub> and aluminum hydroxide)</small>. <br>
Nanomachinery out of AlN must thus be sealed into a product internal environment. [[PPV]] is way more than sufficient. Juts solvents like water need to be kept away.
'''Phosphides:''' Phosphorus has a similar abundance/acessibility problem as boron. <br>
It's by no means scarce (see fertilizer) but by no means anywhere near accessible as nitrogen. (See:[[Air as a resource]]). <br>
Plus some compounds can be a huge health hazard. Like (AlP aluminum phosphide) releasing highly toxic phosphine (PH<sub>3</sub>) gas on contact with water. <br>
Out of these reasons they are not listed here as materials with high potential here. <br>
Diamondoid phosphides are listed on the page: [[Diamond like compounds]]
=== Best SiO<sub>2</sub> polymorphs ===
Metastable ultrahard and dense SiO<sub>2</sub> polymorphs:
* SiO<sub>2</sub> [[stishovite]] (tetragonal [[rutile structure]])
* SiO<sub>2</sub> [[seifertite]] (orthorhombic scrutinyite structure)
* Stabilized versions of these using titanium as substituent: [[mechadensite]]
=== Simple titanium gemstones ===
[[Titanium]] combined with all sorts of abundant non-metal elements forms
astoundingly many [[gemstone like compound]]s with exceptionally good mechanical and [[refractory compound|thermal]] properties.
(Unlike the extremely abundant element iron that disappointingly underperforms in this regard).
Titanium is reasonably abundant in Earths crust. Not as common as iron though.
Titanium is especially common on our moon. There is also lack of non-volatile non-metal elements (like carbon and nitrogen) to combine it with though.
Well, even for a quite big moonbases the volatiles in polar moon craters will suffice.
'''Titanium compounds with second row elements'''
* TiB<sub>2</sub> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium_diboride titanium diboride] - hexagonal 2D layered - 3230°C - 4.52g/ccm - '''optically metallic''' - highly [[refractory compound]]
* TiC [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium_carbide titanium carbide] - simple cubic - 3160°C (800°C in air) - 4.93g/ccm '''Mohs 9 to 9.5''' - water insoluble (almost)
* TiN [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium_nitride titanium nitride] - simple cubic - 2,947°C - 5.21 g/cm3 - '''optically metallic (golden) - "barrier metal"''' - water insoluble (almost)
Associated minerals:
* TiC titanium end-member of '''[https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?lang=en&language=english&mineral=Khamrabaevit khamrabaevit] – Mohs 9''' – [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?lang=en&language=english&mineral=Hongquiit hongquiit] Mohs 5.5-6.0??
* TiN '''[https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?lang=en&language=english&mineral=Osbornite osbornite] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osbornite (wikipedia)] – Mohs 8.5''' – 5.43g/ccm
'''Titanium oxides:'''
* TiO [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium(II)_oxide] - hongquiite - simple cubic - 1,750C° - 4.95g/ccm - '''optically metallic (golden)'''
* Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium(III)_oxide] - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tistarite tistarite] - hexagonal [[corundum structure]] (like [[sapphire]]) - 2,130°C (decomposes) - 4.49g/ccm - '''semiconducting to metallic at 200°C'''
* TiO<sub>2</sub> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium_dioxide] - rutile, anatase, brookite, and more
'''Titanium compounds with third row elements:'''
* TiP [https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Titan(III) - phosphid Titan(III) phosphide (de.zxc.wiki)] - hexagonal - 1860°C - 3.94g/ccm - '''optically metallic'''
* Ti<sub>3</sub>P [https://materialsproject.org/materials/mp-31214/ (materialsproject.org)] - tetragonal - 4.7g/ccm
* [[moissanite]] - SiC - high heat resistance
* '''TiSi<sub>2</sub> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium_disilicide titanium disilicide]''' - orthorhombic (complex unit cell) - 1,470°C - 4.02g/ccm - water insoluble - '''optically metallic and electrically conductive''' - [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Crystal-structure-of-the-C54-TiSi2-Phase-oF24-showing-nearest-neighbours-of-Ti-and-Si_fig8_285014211 C54 phase (researchgate)] -  More [[titanium silicides]] ...
* [[stishovite]] and [[seifertite]] - metastable ultrahard and dense SiO<sub>2</sub> polymorphs
* '''Ti<sub>3</sub>Si''' - tetragonal - ''(isotype to Ti<sub>3</sub>P - see above and Zr<sub>3</sub>P)'' – '''(can this form a cubic A15 phase too ??)'''
* simple titanium gemstones including: TiN TiP TiC TiSi<sub>2</sub> TiB<sub>2</sub> TiO<sub>2</sub> Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>
* Ti<sub>5</sub>Si<sub>4</sub> - 2120°C - tetragonal (isotype to Zr<sub>5</sub>Si<sub>4</sub>)
* TiSi titanium monosilicide - 1760 °C - orthorhombic (isotype to FeB)
* Ti<sub>5</sub>Si<sub>9</sub> - spacegroup Cmcm (Nr. 63) - 3.9g/ccm
* Ti<sub>5</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>
Given silicon is a semi-metal and titanium is a metal titanium silicides should come with quite metallic properties (optically and electrically). <br>
But mechanically still gemstone like like inter-metallic compounds.
== Simple rutile structure & hard ==
=== Simple zirconium gemstones ===
* [[rutile]] TiO<sub>2</sub>
'''[[Zirconium]] Zr compounds''' (maybe) 
* [[stishovite]] - metastable SiO<sub>2</sub> polymorph - [[rutile structure]] & very hard and dense
* Zr (fifth row) is the element below Titanium (fourth row)
* [[neo-polymorph]]s of the above
* Zr is the most abundant fifth and below row non alkali element (Earth's crust).
* Zr makes similarly good compounds with various other elements as Ti
* Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zirconium#Oxides,_nitrides,_and_carbides Zirconium: oxides, nitrides, and carbides]
* ZrC [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zirconium_carbide zirconium carbide] very high melting point (~3530 °C)
* ZrN [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zirconium_nitride zirconium_nitride]
* ZrP ??
* ZrO
* '''ZrO<sub>2</sub>''' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baddeleyite Baddeleyite] (aka cubic zirconia) [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?lang=en&language=english&mineral=Cubic%20zirconia 3D structure (mineralienatlas)]
* ZrSiO<sub>4</sub> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zircon Zircon] (zirconium silicate)
== Simple salt structures ==
== Quite simple [[rutile structure]] & hard ==
* [[periclase]] MgO
* [[Rutile]] TiO<sub>2</sub> – Mohs 6.0 to 6.5
* some [[transition metal monoxides]]
* [[Stishovite]] - metastable SiO<sub>2</sub> polymorph - [[rutile structure]] & very hard and dense – Mohs 8.5 to 9.5
* The in-between: [[mechadensite]]
And [[neo-polymorph]]s with [[rutile structure]]. These include:
* Silicon group: GeO<sub>2</sub>, SnO<sub>2</sub>, β-PbO<sub>2</sub> – (germanium Ge is rather rare)
* Other: MnO<sub>2</sub>, FeSbO<sub>4</sub> – (antimony Sb is rather rare)
See: [[rutile structure]]. There is also a mention on that on the page about [[silicon]]<br>
This could be called the '''the stishovite continuum''' or '''the rutile continuum'''.
== Corundum structure & hard ==
The corundum structure is hexagonal unlike the rutile structure <br>
this can be but not necessarily is a downside in that the [[design of crystolecules]] <br>
based on corundum structure materials might be more difficult and or more limited. (DISPUTABLE).
* [[Leukosapphire]] (Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) – Mohs 9 (defining mineral)
* '''[[Tistarite]] (Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) – Mohs 8.5 – optically metallic'''
* [[Eskolatite]] (Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) – Mohs 8 – optically metallic – [[Chromium]] is less common
* [[Hematite]] (Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) – Mohs 5.5 to 6.5 – optically metallic – [[Iron]] compounds are usually weaker
For more examples including less performant ones see:<br>
[[Corundum structure]] – corundum is a term for low grade sapphire (and polymorphs: deltalumite)
Leukosapphire is widely known and already often suggested right after diamond. <br>
'''Tistarite is a high performance titanium based oxidic gem that deserves much more attention.''' <br>
It is much harder than other more common titanium oxide minerals (with exact same stoichometry) like rutile, anatase, and brookite. <br>
Some substitutions with silicon may make it even harder at the expense of thermal stability. Much like in [[mechadensite]]. <br>
{{todo|Investigate is if tistarite remains sable with some Ti to Si substitution and if it hardens it on expense of thermal stability.}}
== Mono metal monoxides (simple cublic NaCl salt structure) ==
=== Earth alkali based ===
* MgO [[periclase]] - surprisingly unreactive compared to CaO - also surprisingly little water soluble for a salt
* CaO anhydrous lime - questionable - highly reactive with water - ok if well sealed inside of products
=== Transition metal based ===
Some [[transition metal monoxides]] (Typical: '''Max 1300-1900°C - Mohs 5-6''')
* TiO hongquiite
* MnO manganosite - (Mn is less abundant)
* FeO wüstite
* NiO bunsenite - (Ni is not too abundant on earth but very abundant on metallic asteroids)
V vanadium, Cr chromium, Co cobalt do that too but <br>
these elements are more scarce thus <br>
not included as pure high volume base materials here
== Other quite interesting compounds ==
* CaTiO<sub>3</sub> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perovskite perovskite] – Mohs 5.0-5.5 – orthorhombic – [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?lang=en&language=english&mineral=Perovskite (structure)]
Decently hard iron nitrides:
* '''Fe<sub>4</sub>N Roaldite''' [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Roaldit 3D structure (de)] – '''cubic''' – Mohs 5.5-6.0 – (very simple crystal structure)
* Fe<sub>9</sub>N<sub>4</sub> Siderazot [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Siderazot 3D structure (de)] – triclinic – Mohs ?? – (not as complex as formula suggests)
Silicon oxynitride:
* '''Si<sub>2</sub>N<sub>2</sub>O Sinoite''' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinoite] silicon oxynitride [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_oxynitride] [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Sinoit 3D structure (de)] – ortorhombic pyramidal – 2.83g/ccm
Corundum/sapphire polymorphs (See: [[Leukosapphire#Polymorphs]]):
* '''Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Deltalumite''' (δ form of corundum, polymorph of [[sapphire]]) – tetragonal – Mohs ?? (likely quite hard) – [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Deltalumite]
=== Spinel minerals (they all have nice cubic unit cells) ===
* '''[[Spinel]]''' MgAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> – Mohs 7.5 to 8.0 – cubic
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulv%C3%B6spinel Ulvöspinel] TiFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> – Mohs 5.5 to 6.0 – optically metallic
Ambient pressure stable high pressure modificaions of [[olivine]]:
* High pressure modification of iron olivine γ-Fe<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>4</sub>: '''Ahrensite''' – [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Ahrensit] – (Mohs 6 – 4.26g/ccm)
* High pressure modification of magnesium olivine Mg<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>4</sub>: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringwoodite '''Ringwoodite'''] – (Mohs ? – 3.9g/ccm)
= Quite good materials with some hampering weakness(es) =
== Con: low crystal structure symmetry ==
== Con: low crystal structure symmetry ==
* [[leukosapphire]] - very hard
* Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> – [[leukosapphire]] - Mohs 9 (defining material) - (isostructural to Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> tistarite?) 
* [[quartz]] - and other low density polymorphs of SiO<sub>2</sub>
* β-C<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> – [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_carbon_nitride beta carbon nitride] – (possibly a fire hazard)
* Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> – [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_nitride silicon nitride]
* Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> – '''nierite''' [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Nierit 3D structure (de)] – '''Mohs 9'''
* SiO<sub>2</sub> – common [[quartz]] - and other low density polymorphs of SiO<sub>2</sub>
== Con: Rather soft materials ==
== Con: Somewhat soft materials ==
* [[calcite]] and aragonite
Saving graces: very common or acessible elements, some degradability, nature friendliness (common biomineral – sea shells)
* CaCO<sub>3</sub> [[calcite]] – trigonal – Mohs 3 (defining mineral)
* '''CaCO<sub>3</sub> aragonite''' – ortorhombic – Mohs 3.5-4.0 – (a bit harder and somewhat higher symmetry crystal structure)
[[Category:Base materials with high potential]]
[[Category:Base materials with high potential]]
== Other compounds ==
=== Boron ===
'''B<sub>4</sub>C – boron carbide'''
High mechanical thermal and chemical resistance. <br>
Boron is not as common and almost everywhere accessible as carbon though.
=== Beryllium ===
'''BeO [[bromellite]]''' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromellite] – excellent material – hexagonal – simple minimal unit cell [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Bromellite (de)] – very hard '''Mohs 9''' <br>
* beryllium is quite scarce
* beryllium is quite poisonous – it's can be quite well sealed in a macroscopic gemstone though – how well a nanomachinery metamaterial out of many nanoscale bromellite [[crystolecules]] will seal the beryllium: not so clear
=== Big unit cell but still nice because high symmetry cubic ===
* Sodalih (Na,Al,Cl silicate) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodalite (wikiepdia)] [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Sodalith] – cubic – Mohs 5.75
* And (almost?) isostructural ones like: Haüyn, Nosean, Bicchulith, ...
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazurite Lazurite] Mohs 5.0-5.5 – cubic – [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?lang=en&language=english&mineral=Lasurit (minearlienatlas - nice unit cell structure)]<br> Many elements but all common (Na,Ca,S,Cl,Al,Si,H) – silicate, sulfate, and hydroxy elements
X<sub>3</sub>Y<sub>2</sub>(SiO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub> the class of [[garnet]] gemstones [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garnet] – typically hard Mohs 6.6-7.5 – and cubic – but big unit cell
* '''Andradite''' – Ca<sub>3</sub>Fe<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub> – '''iron but no aluminum garnet''' – HUGE unit cell [https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Andradite 3D structure (de)]
* Almandine – Fe<sub>3</sub>Al<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub> – iron and aluminum garnet
* Pyrope – Mg<sub>3</sub>Al<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub> – aluminum but no iron
* Grossular – Ca<sub>3</sub>Al<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub> – aluminum but no iron
* Spessartine – Mn<sub>3</sub>Al<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub> – (less abundant manganese)
* Uvarovite – Ca<sub>3</sub>Cr<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub> – (less abundant chromium – neither aluminum nor iron)
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Garnet_group Category:Garnet_group]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Garnet_gemstones Category:Garnet_gemstones]
== Related ==
* [[Gemstone like compound]] and [[Diamond like compounds]]
* '''[[Simple crystal structures of especial interest]]'''
* '''[[Simple metal containing carbides and nitrides]]'''
* Can we make these high potential base materials from random stones lying around on the ground? <br>Yes! See: [[Common stones]]
* [[Abundant element]]
* [[High performance of gem-gum technology]]
* Older redundant page: [[Charts for gemstone-like compounds]]
== External links ==
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Superhard_materials Category:Superhard_materials] (Note: Many of them incorporate very rare elements)
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superhard_material Superhard material]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sialon Sialon] its phases as singly crystals – α trigonal, β hexagonal, O' orthorhombic <br>there are Al–N and Al–O bonds substituting for Si–N bonds – these substitutions would be subject to checkerpatterning via [[piezomechanosynthesis]] to gain discretized transitions in a [[pseudo phase diagram]]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium_oxynitride Aluminium oxynitride ALON] – Mohs 8.5-9.0 (guessed from 85% as hard as sapphire )– cubic (spinel structure) – 2150 °C

Latest revision as of 11:57, 16 February 2024

Very good materials

Best of the best

All diamondoids come in:

  • cubic zincblende structure
  • hexagonal wurzite structure

Related main page: Diamond like compounds

Best diamondoid compounds

C – pure carbon "dialondeite" this includes the allotropes:

  • C in zincblende structure is called diamond of the normal cubic variety
  • C in wurzite structure is called lonsdaleite "hexagonal diamond"

SiC – gemstone quality optically transparent silicon carbide aka moissanite.
The structure of natural moissanite is in-between the zincblende and the wurzite structure.
This is part of what makes natural moissanite more though than natural diamond.
This does not apply to piezochemically mechanosynthesized and very small structures like some crystolecules though.
A main advantage of moissanite over diamond is it's high heat and oxidation resistance.

Si – pure silicon (eventually)
Not optically transparent since a semiconductor with low enough bandgap.
Lower mechanical chemical and thermal stability then the above.

BN – diamondoid boron nitride (cubic c-BN and hexagonal w-BN)
Boron is not super extremely abundant and available.
There is a rare natural mineral of the cubic variety called – quingsongit (de) – cubic – Mohs 9-10
Like graphene in the case of carbon there's a graphitic polymorph of BN. This is not counted as "diamondoid" here.

BC2N – heterodiamond
Basically an intermediate between dialondeite and "diamondoid boron nitride".

AlN – aluminum nitride – optically transparent due to big bandgap (visible light)
A main advantage compared to boron nitride is that aluminium is much more common than boron.
Disadvantages are lower mechanical (thermal?) and chemical stability.
The surface is not stable against water at the nanoscale level (powders hydrolyse to amonniak NH3 and aluminum hydroxide).
Nanomachinery out of AlN must thus be sealed into a product internal environment. PPV is way more than sufficient. Juts solvents like water need to be kept away.

Phosphides: Phosphorus has a similar abundance/acessibility problem as boron.
It's by no means scarce (see fertilizer) but by no means anywhere near accessible as nitrogen. (See:Air as a resource).
Plus some compounds can be a huge health hazard. Like (AlP aluminum phosphide) releasing highly toxic phosphine (PH3) gas on contact with water.
Out of these reasons they are not listed here as materials with high potential here.
Diamondoid phosphides are listed on the page: Diamond like compounds

Best SiO2 polymorphs

Metastable ultrahard and dense SiO2 polymorphs:

Simple titanium gemstones

Titanium combined with all sorts of abundant non-metal elements forms astoundingly many gemstone like compounds with exceptionally good mechanical and thermal properties. (Unlike the extremely abundant element iron that disappointingly underperforms in this regard). Titanium is reasonably abundant in Earths crust. Not as common as iron though. Titanium is especially common on our moon. There is also lack of non-volatile non-metal elements (like carbon and nitrogen) to combine it with though. Well, even for a quite big moonbases the volatiles in polar moon craters will suffice.

Titanium compounds with second row elements

  • TiB2 titanium diboride - hexagonal 2D layered - 3230°C - 4.52g/ccm - optically metallic - highly refractory compound
  • TiC titanium carbide - simple cubic - 3160°C (800°C in air) - 4.93g/ccm Mohs 9 to 9.5 - water insoluble (almost)
  • TiN titanium nitride - simple cubic - 2,947°C - 5.21 g/cm3 - optically metallic (golden) - "barrier metal" - water insoluble (almost)

Associated minerals:

Titanium oxides:

  • TiO [1] - hongquiite - simple cubic - 1,750C° - 4.95g/ccm - optically metallic (golden)
  • Ti2O3 [2] - tistarite - hexagonal corundum structure (like sapphire) - 2,130°C (decomposes) - 4.49g/ccm - semiconducting to metallic at 200°C
  • TiO2 [3] - rutile, anatase, brookite, and more

Titanium compounds with third row elements:

  • TiSi2 titanium disilicide - orthorhombic (complex unit cell) - 1,470°C - 4.02g/ccm - water insoluble - optically metallic and electrically conductive - C54 phase (researchgate) - More titanium silicides ...
  • Ti3Si - tetragonal - (isotype to Ti3P - see above and Zr3P)(can this form a cubic A15 phase too ??)
  • Ti5Si4 - 2120°C - tetragonal (isotype to Zr5Si4)
  • TiSi titanium monosilicide - 1760 °C - orthorhombic (isotype to FeB)
  • Ti5Si9 - spacegroup Cmcm (Nr. 63) - 3.9g/ccm
  • Ti5Si3

Given silicon is a semi-metal and titanium is a metal titanium silicides should come with quite metallic properties (optically and electrically).
But mechanically still gemstone like like inter-metallic compounds.

Simple zirconium gemstones

Zirconium Zr compounds (maybe)

  • Zr (fifth row) is the element below Titanium (fourth row)
  • Zr is the most abundant fifth and below row non alkali element (Earth's crust).
  • Zr makes similarly good compounds with various other elements as Ti

Quite simple rutile structure & hard

And neo-polymorphs with rutile structure. These include:

  • Silicon group: GeO2, SnO2, β-PbO2 – (germanium Ge is rather rare)
  • Other: MnO2, FeSbO4 – (antimony Sb is rather rare)

See: rutile structure. There is also a mention on that on the page about silicon
This could be called the the stishovite continuum or the rutile continuum.

Corundum structure & hard

The corundum structure is hexagonal unlike the rutile structure
this can be but not necessarily is a downside in that the design of crystolecules
based on corundum structure materials might be more difficult and or more limited. (DISPUTABLE).

  • Eskolatite (Cr2O3) – Mohs 8 – optically metallic – Chromium is less common
  • Hematite (Fe2O3) – Mohs 5.5 to 6.5 – optically metallic – Iron compounds are usually weaker

For more examples including less performant ones see:
Corundum structure – corundum is a term for low grade sapphire (and polymorphs: deltalumite)

Leukosapphire is widely known and already often suggested right after diamond.
Tistarite is a high performance titanium based oxidic gem that deserves much more attention.
It is much harder than other more common titanium oxide minerals (with exact same stoichometry) like rutile, anatase, and brookite.
Some substitutions with silicon may make it even harder at the expense of thermal stability. Much like in mechadensite.
(TODO: Investigate is if tistarite remains sable with some Ti to Si substitution and if it hardens it on expense of thermal stability.)

Mono metal monoxides (simple cublic NaCl salt structure)

Earth alkali based

  • MgO periclase - surprisingly unreactive compared to CaO - also surprisingly little water soluble for a salt
  • CaO anhydrous lime - questionable - highly reactive with water - ok if well sealed inside of products

Transition metal based

Some transition metal monoxides (Typical: Max 1300-1900°C - Mohs 5-6)

  • TiO hongquiite
  • MnO manganosite - (Mn is less abundant)
  • FeO wüstite
  • NiO bunsenite - (Ni is not too abundant on earth but very abundant on metallic asteroids)

V vanadium, Cr chromium, Co cobalt do that too but
these elements are more scarce thus
not included as pure high volume base materials here

Other quite interesting compounds

Decently hard iron nitrides:

  • Fe4N Roaldite 3D structure (de)cubic – Mohs 5.5-6.0 – (very simple crystal structure)
  • Fe9N4 Siderazot 3D structure (de) – triclinic – Mohs ?? – (not as complex as formula suggests)

Silicon oxynitride:

Corundum/sapphire polymorphs (See: Leukosapphire#Polymorphs):

  • Al2O3 Deltalumite (δ form of corundum, polymorph of sapphire) – tetragonal – Mohs ?? (likely quite hard) – [6]

Spinel minerals (they all have nice cubic unit cells)

  • Spinel MgAl2O4 – Mohs 7.5 to 8.0 – cubic
  • Ulvöspinel TiFe2O4 – Mohs 5.5 to 6.0 – optically metallic

Ambient pressure stable high pressure modificaions of olivine:

  • High pressure modification of iron olivine γ-Fe2SiO4: Ahrensite[7] – (Mohs 6 – 4.26g/ccm)
  • High pressure modification of magnesium olivine Mg2SiO4: Ringwoodite – (Mohs ? – 3.9g/ccm)

Quite good materials with some hampering weakness(es)

Con: low crystal structure symmetry

Con: Somewhat soft materials

Saving graces: very common or acessible elements, some degradability, nature friendliness (common biomineral – sea shells)

  • CaCO3 calcite – trigonal – Mohs 3 (defining mineral)
  • CaCO3 aragonite – ortorhombic – Mohs 3.5-4.0 – (a bit harder and somewhat higher symmetry crystal structure)

Other compounds


B4C – boron carbide High mechanical thermal and chemical resistance.
Boron is not as common and almost everywhere accessible as carbon though.


BeO bromellite [8] – excellent material – hexagonal – simple minimal unit cell (de) – very hard Mohs 9

  • beryllium is quite scarce
  • beryllium is quite poisonous – it's can be quite well sealed in a macroscopic gemstone though – how well a nanomachinery metamaterial out of many nanoscale bromellite crystolecules will seal the beryllium: not so clear

Big unit cell but still nice because high symmetry cubic

  • Sodalih (Na,Al,Cl silicate) (wikiepdia) [9] – cubic – Mohs 5.75
  • And (almost?) isostructural ones like: Haüyn, Nosean, Bicchulith, ...


X3Y2(SiO4)3 the class of garnet gemstones [10] – typically hard Mohs 6.6-7.5 – and cubic – but big unit cell

  • Andradite – Ca3Fe2Si3O12iron but no aluminum garnet – HUGE unit cell 3D structure (de)

  • Almandine – Fe3Al2Si3O12 – iron and aluminum garnet
  • Pyrope – Mg3Al2Si3O12 – aluminum but no iron
  • Grossular – Ca3Al2Si3O12 – aluminum but no iron

  • Spessartine – Mn3Al2Si3O12 – (less abundant manganese)
  • Uvarovite – Ca3Cr2Si3O12 – (less abundant chromium – neither aluminum nor iron)



External links


  • Sialon its phases as singly crystals – α trigonal, β hexagonal, O' orthorhombic
    there are Al–N and Al–O bonds substituting for Si–N bonds – these substitutions would be subject to checkerpatterning via piezomechanosynthesis to gain discretized transitions in a pseudo phase diagram
  • Aluminium oxynitride ALON – Mohs 8.5-9.0 (guessed from 85% as hard as sapphire )– cubic (spinel structure) – 2150 °C