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m (very high likelyhood)
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*no more chains on bikes and motorcycles  
*no more chains on bikes and motorcycles  
*extremely good thermal isolation for housesenorm (thermos flask level)<br>
*extremely good thermal isolation for housesenorm (thermos flask level)<br>
*a lot better prosthetics
=== high likelyhood<br>  ===
=== high likelyhood<br>  ===

Revision as of 23:19, 16 December 2013

(speculativity warning!)

Note: The potential applications listed here should only be taken as motivation for the development of APM.
It should not be taken too seriously since this compilation will be very incomplete and in parts probably quite wrong.
Do not intermix the questionable feasability of the here presented example aplications with the basic as good as proven feasability of technology level III.
For those of the presented prospective technologies that will become possible it will be thanks to smart combinations of the expectable new materials.

previous: technology level III
next: most speculative potential applications

List of potential applications

For in depth discussion of individual technologies please go to the general discussion page or create a dedicated page and link to it from here.

Note: the levels of likelyhood are perceived rather subjective.
This is a bit problematic for a wiki but theres a need for this classification.


very high likelyhood

  • fully automatic miniature greenhouses -> reduction of land usage
  • metal free means of transport
  • supercomputers in glasses and contact lenses
  • dynamically adjustable glasses and gratis hearing aids
  • no more chains on bikes and motorcycles
  • extremely good thermal isolation for housesenorm (thermos flask level)
  • a lot better prosthetics

high likelyhood

  • open source AP 3D printer in key tag format
  • superstreets including (solar cells, energy transport, microcompnent redistribution, ...)
  • very comfortable suits with passive thermoregulation over a wide range of ambient temperature
  • extreme high buildings - whatever they may be for
  • mid sized private windwheels -> construction bans expectable

medium likelyhood

  • cheap dynamically changable buildings and rooms -> dust free construction
  • almost inaudible planes
  • flood and tsunami stopper flaps (defense against the forces of nature)
  • a giant number of solar energy collecting and CO2 reducing buoys or micro airships
  • significantly improved transportation network -> strong cultural mixing
  • rapid expansion of spaceflight - asteroids - space sports - interplanetary spaceflight
  • private laboratoy for everyone
  • a new artform of techno-plants


  • super fast vacuum trains
  • Utility Fog als: furniture, crash-cushions, computer interface, wheelchair cloud, ...

very questionable

  • non biological replacement body for deceased.
  • successful terraforming
  • inertial fusion reactors which are smaller than torodial ones can ever be such that they are suitable for spaceships

... and many more


Developments in medicine tend to require more scientific discoveries (e.g. the undertanding of the interaction of the bodies proteins) often making [exploratory engineering] impossible.

Technology Level 0 and I will also advance in a direction of biosystem improvement (technology level µ). Wether and how T.Level III machines will wield those more bio-mimetic tools is an question that will remain open for quite some time since this question it in essence goes backward the technology levels into the yet unknown gap.

  • respirocytes

List of new materials / base technologies

Like mentioned above those highly complex applications will only become possible through the smart combination of the set of newly available materials with novel properties.
This list is less speculative and more incomplete.

Again: the sorteing is rather subjective.

low effort

  • molecular filters
  • macroscopic super-bearings (one can only see a speed gradient)
  • anisotropic material properties (e.g. scissoring mechanisms material)

medium effort

  • artificial muscles with higher power densities than todays combustion engines
  • absolutely silent super strong pumps ("pumping material" - no movable parts are visible with the naked eye) "air accelerators"?
  • cells cells for the direct conversion from mechanical to chemical energy and vice versa -> http://scriptogr.am/mechadense
  • material structuring into microcomponents for recycling and recomposition

high effort

  • "elastic diamond" (made possible through semi active nanostructures)
  • actively self cleaning surfaces (no stupid lotus effect meant here)
  • self repairing materials and self repairing macroscopic machine parts - no decay through weather or root growth

.... and many more

Further notes

Obviously we are not at a final goal at technology level III. It's just the beginning.
Some people are tempted to say it would be "takeing over for god" when we start placing atoms how we want them, but it is not.
We still need material resources (mining) time (building) energy (plants) and land (to store all that stuff) and most importantly
some smart people to make plans for good atomic arrangements and further expand the class of accessible arrangements.