Practically perfect vacuum
A practically perfect vacuum (PPV) is needed by gem-gum technology since the the force applying mechanosynthesis that is synthesizing the crystolecules that form the basis of gem-gum technology needs it.
Currently impossible because ...
With current day technology (2021) it is not at all possible to reach a prefect vacuum. Limiting factors are:
- gasses (like water vapour) adsorb onto surfaces when vented (and spoil the vacuum later)
- gasses diffuse into material (especially at grain boundaries)
- only large vessel sizes are possible
Becoming possible because ...
In gem-gum technology all these limitations are lifted.
- very small vessel sized are possible (statistically ore likely that there is not a single atom in one vessel)
- flawless single crystal walls in those nanoscale chambers have no grain boundaries
- hydrogen passivated diamond chamber walls do not adsorb gasses well
Additionally strong open radical bond free gas molecule getter surfaces can be integrated.
(wiki-TODO: add a sketch about how small vessel size makes PPV in a vessel more likely)
Chicken egg problem
That leaves the problem of cyclic dependency:
- is capable of creating PPV but it also
- needs PPV to in its nanofactory manufacturing devices
Related: bootstrapping
Interesting off-topic question
Can a part of the probability density of a fullyquantum mechanically delocalized gas molecule be transported away by atomically tight positive displacement mechanisms?
How much decoherence is there by interaction with walls at room temperature?