Mobile microscale robotic device
Up: Mobile robotic devices
Not to confuse with: Mobile nanoscale robotic devices
Mobile robotic devices at the micro to possibly meso scale.
Think around pollen sized mobile microscopic robotic devices.
Think about birch pollen size ~40µm.
Typically just barely below human vision and tactile perception.
Technically microscale includes all up to 1mm=1000µm but usually this is not meant.
Rather referred to as mesoscale.
Larger size allows for richer connection mechanisms
Advanced reversible connection mechanisms add much less overhead in necessary system volume. Also some things become easier at this larger size scale like e.g.
- shielding against UV. See: Radiation damage.
- more options for types of robotics like part streaming style assembly
- ...
Larger size means if they are supposed to operate free floating in solution/liquid or air/gas rather then
in machine phase then they can't rely on diffusion but will need some sort of fluid dynamic active propulsion.
- up: Mobile robotic device
- smaller: Mobile nanoscale robotic device
- larger: Mobile mesoscale robotic device
Ultra general purpose systems:
- Utility fog
- Claytronics could be made microscale eventually
Managing/maintaining special purpose systems:
- Microcomponent maintenance microbots:
Microcomponent recomposer microbot & Microcomponent test-and-repair microbot - Testing of gemstone based nanomachinery – Physical debugging – Self repair
The scary stuff: