APM related terms

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Clean Terms

Atomically Precise Manufacturing

Defined on the main page.

Atomically Precise Technology

Umberella term for APM and the products creatable with APM.


Defined on the "mechanosynthesis" page.

Machine Phase

Defined on the "machine phase" page

Machine Phase Chemistry

Diamondoid Materials

Diamondoid Molecular Elements

Dedined on the "diamondoid molecular elements" page.

Here's a suggestion for a more catchy and usable name: crystolecules

Advanced Molecular Machinery

Terms Containing "Nano"

Somewhat acceptable terms

Molecular Nanotechnology

This is the most widely used term for AP technology asd of (2013)
Google searches yield the most relevant results when this term is used.
Wikipedia uses this still as the main term Moelcular nanotechnology

Advanced Nanotechnology

There is also advanced nanotechnology in the biological direction, so this term is too unspecific and should be avoided.




Terms to Avoid


This term is way too generic and has lost its original meaning. See "history" for more information.


Spurs misinformed thoughts of artificial lifeforms.


Makes sure one thinks of "nanobugs".


Not that bad for speculative medical nanodevices but propulsion and interaction with nanobiology is often imagined in wrong nonphysical ways.


Completely unsuitable.