Brownian technology path

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The term Brownian technology path will be used on this site to describe the branch of advancement to an AP nanotechnology (beyond simple self assembly) that does exploit thermal movement (Brownian motion) like biological nanomachinery does instead of avoiding it and turning to machine phase like the mechanosynthetic branch does APM.

Thechnology of the brownian path utilize borrowed thermal energy to archive an action (e.g. material transport). It will develop parallel to the mechanosynthetic technology levels I to III and may interact with them in unexpected and yet unpredictable ways.

Like in the mechanosynthetic branch a switch from more scientific to more engineering treatment is probable to occur. keeping useful principles salvaged from biological systems and ditching evolutionary remnants that hinder orthogonal design .... [Todo: add link]

Beside polypeptides artificial materials that biological systems cant easily break down can and will be used like (foldamers, peptoids).

Due to it's nature brownian-technology is often limited to a narrow temperature range. The solvent's liquid range must not be out-stepped. Flexible 1D molecular chains or 2D sheets are generally more susceptible to thermal breakage than 3D crystals where multiple bonds would have to break simultaneously. If inventions of this technology path find use in technology level III they may severely limit the range of allowed operation temperature. See: "consistent design for external limiting factors".

Richard Jones [1] is someone looking out in this direction.
[Todo: add description ... about speculative advanced bio-compatible area]