Catalysis construction kit approach

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Possible map for the incremental path.

This is about a possible sub-branch of the incremental path.

This approach involves getting to a positional assembly kinematic loop ASAP.

The idea here is to scale up general purpose self-assembly capabilities of various foldamer technologies just enough, such that one arrives at basic building block modularity sufficient for creating positional assembly kinematic loops.

Despite building block modularity there is no modularity of functionality within the creatable positional assembly kinematic loops yet though. I.e. while blocks are modular, catalysis/sensing/… functionality on the blocks is not modular (highly cross talking).

On the partial lack of separability of engineering concerns

For the sake of getting early to marketable products still absent separation of engineering concerns in block functionality is accepted!

  • switching out one block can change the functionality of all the other blocks in hard to predict ways. But:
  • switching out blocks is easy and straightforward as their base shape is modular and predictable

Only building block modularity is present.
Not modularity of functionality carried by the blocks.
Related: The infamous fat finger problem

There is building block modularity that allows for combinatoric exploration of
a hyper-giant very-hard-to-seach-through space the non-modular functions crated by combination of blocks.

Aspects of the design concerning a potentiall present closed positional assembly kinematic loop cannot yet be changed independently.

This is unlike in the printer approach.
There functionality of products allows for separation of engineering concerns.

Evaluation scheme

(wiki-TODO: eventually add functional block combinatoric evaluation scheme)

More simple sub-problem

It is basically the functional block construction kit approach but
with selfassembled actuation elements of some sorts in order to better facilitate chemical reactions.
Or at least sensing like in a molecular universal testing machine.

Since foldamer based artificial catalysis is a very hard problem
a sensing/detecting is possibly a sub-problem to split off and solve first.

As there is nor catalytic manipulation there is no positional assembly kinematic loop present in this case.

