Foldamer R&D
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- structural DNA nanotechnology
- de-novo protein engineering
- peptidomimetics like peptoids (& beta-peptides)
- spiroligomers
[hide]Some possibly relevant papers
Critical advances in structural DNA nanotechnology
Electrostatics actuation demo (fast data injection)
- Official name: "A self-assembled nanoscale robotic arm controlled by electric fields"
- Authords: "Enzo Kopperger1,*, Jonathan List1,*, Sushi Madhira2, Florian Rothfischer1, Don C. Lamb2,3,4, Friedrich C. Simmel1,4,†"
- Weblink (walled access):
Scaling of structural DNA origami to higher self-assebly convergent assembly-levels
- Official Name: "Dynamic DNA devices and assemblies formed by shape-complementary, non–base pairing 3D components"
- Authors: "Thomas Gerling, Klaus F. Wagenbauer, Andrea M. Neuner, Hendrik Dietz*"
- Places: "Physik Department, Walter Schottky Institute, Technische Universität München Am Coulombwall 4a, 85748 Garching near Munich, Germany"
- MainPublisherInfo: "Science 27 Mar 2015:
Vol. 347, Issue 6229, pp. 1446-1452
DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa5372" - Weblink (walled access):
Demonstration of atomic resolution (but very likely AP only in an statistical average yet!!)
- Official Name: "Placing molecules with Bohr radius resolution using DNA origami"
- Web (walled access):
Proof of atoimic precision (topoligical) in structural DNA origami (no atomic resolution yet)
- Official Name: "Cryo-EM structure of a 3D DNA-origami object"
- Authors: "Xiao-chen Bai a, Thomas G. Martin b, Sjors H. W. Scheres a,1, and Hendrik Dietz b,1"
- Places: "a Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 0QH, United Kingdom; and b Physics Department, Walter Schottky Institute, Technische Universität München, 85748 Garching near Munich, Germany"
- MainPublisherInfo: "PNAS December 4, 2012 109 (49) 20012-20017; "
- Weblink (open access):
- Direct link:
Advances in de-novo protein engineering
de novo protein design demo
- Official Name: "Design of ordered two-dimensional arrays mediated by noncovalent protein-protein interfaces."
- Authors: "Shane Gonen1,2,3,4, Frank DiMaio2,3, Tamir Gonen1,*, David Baker2,3,4,*"
- Places: (see link)
- Weblink (walled access):
- Open:
- This is part of Present-forward development as opposed to Future-backward development
- Incremental path
- Reached milestones in foldamer R&D
- Self folding
- covalent cross interlinking (increasing stiffness)
- POPs (persistant organic pollutants) -- See: "Soil pollutants"
- Microfluidics
External links
- Wikipedia: Foldamer
- Wikipedia: De_novo_protein_structure_prediction
- Wikipedia: PeptidomimeticPeptoidBeta-peptide
"Clasp: Common Lisp using LLVM and C++ for Molecular Metaprogramming" [1]
Published on Jun 15, 2015 – Google Tech Talk – June 9, 2015 – Presented by Christian Schafmeister.
This video also brings up topics like:
- The importance of stiffness – double linked backbones prevent rotations making resulting structures much easier to desing and more predictable
- Iterative design of early forms of Kaehler brackets
optimization of a stiff backbone to get functional groups as close as possible to a fixed predefined configuration (that may have been stolen from a natural protein) - General software issues – programming language limitations, the dreaded interface problem,
"deforresting" unnecessary computer algebra reevaluations (a problem also showing up in volumetric 3D modelling aka distance field based 3D modelling; Design levels),
the need for derivation towers (scalar,vector,tensor) (automatic derivation - links to Conal Elliotts work) - Going deep down the rabbit-hole to reach a far term target (in an highly non-obvious way for outsiders).
Sidenote: That's exactly where natural evolution has severe limitations. - Invention (and market introduction) of covalent protein crosslinking technology
- Bootstrapping of the synthesis of the fundamental spiroligomer building blocks
- The "indestructibility" of spiroligomers raise the issue of the waste problem with POPs (persistent organic pollutants) -- See: Recycling
- The suspected lignin pileup in the Carboniferous epoch of earths history.
- The talk doesn't look beyond towards gemstone based systems as far term goal. Partially brownian technology path?