Energy conversion
From apm
Atomically precise technology for energy conversion can:
- solve the enegry storage problem making renewable energy storable and fossile or nuclear fission baseload power plants unnecessary
- circumvent burning processes that unnecessarily devaluates energy
[Todo: add infographic]
Different power converters have heterogeneity residing on different size scales.
Nanoscale: molecular power converters
AP technology provides several possibilities for energy conversion that work in a mill/zip/conveyor belt like style:
- chemomechanical converters
- electromechanical converters - the link for massive and efficient energy storage that is missing today
- entropomechanical converters
- optoelectric / solarelectric
diamondoid heat pump system
Used base technologies can be: microcapsules, infinitesimal bearings and thermal switching cells
Note that although the efficiency is limited by the Carnough-cycle the conversion can be near reversible.
Complex macroscopic systems made from advanced diamondoid metamaterials may lead to significant improvements here.
- wikipedia: transducer, actuators, ...
- energy transmission