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* [[Resource molecules]]
* [[Resource molecules]]
* [[Gemstone metamaterial on chip factory]]
* [[Gemstone metamaterial on chip factory]]
* [[Sequence of zones]]
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Revision as of 09:37, 30 August 2022

This article is a stub. It needs to be expanded.


  • Resource material gets filtered/cleaned. Contaminants are removed.
  • Liquid phase (and maybe gas phase) processing is involved here.
  • Significant heat can be generated from moving to machine phase. This energy is potentially recuperable.

(wiki-TODO: Add illustrative graphic for sorting mills, concept & detail)
(wiki-TODO: Add processing step minimap table template eventually)

Resource molecules are transferred from liquid phase into machine phase and back in several purification stages.
At the end of the process the resource molecules stay permanently in machine phase.

Possible geometries

Purification mills like proposed in Nanosystems shown in Productive Nanosystems From molecules to superproducts and modelled in atomic detail in the acetylene sorting pump.

For crossing a thermal isolation layer of larger thickness some different design seems to be needed.
E.g. somehow packaging still fully passivated resource molecules in dense grids of pockets and then somehow transporting whole packages through the layer.

Source of release of heat

Due to moving from liquid phase to machine phase the
number of degrees of freedom of motion of resource molecules get reduced.
In other words the resource molecules get bound and restraint in their translator and rotatory freedom of motion.

In physical terms that means that the entropy in position space gets reduced.
And since entropy can not ever go down (only in the statistical average that is) it must reemerge in impulse space.
That is in thermal motion aka heat.
So machinephaeeification can generate significant amounts of heat.
Intuitively one can maybe think of this as squeezing out degrees of freedom.

The energy that is needed for the by machinephaeeification released heat
must be supplied as free energy in directed mechanical motion.

Energy recuperability

Generated heat emerges/occurs localized.
So right after release it is still free energy. It is not yet dissipated bound energy.
And thus it can potentially be partially recuperated by means of well designed close-by diamondoid heat pump systems.


  • How small can / should the intermediate remixing reservoirs be made?
  • How much energy dissipation will come from repeated multistage remixing?
    How much minimizable? How much recuperable?
  • Which temperature to run this at ideally? Roomtemperature? Close above freezing point?
  • Which solvent medium to use medium? Water (self suggesting and likely convenient), some organic solvent? Supply as gasses?

Side-note on entropy and phase-space

Note that the physical quantities of entropy (J/K) and action (Js) (~ phase-space-volume) have different physical units.
Yet they are closely related ...

For closed systems:

  • At the quantum-limit of incompressible phase-space-volume:
    Reducing position space necessarily increases the impulse space and vice versa (like a seesaw). Heisenberg principle.
  • Reducing entropy in the position space necessarily increases entropy in impulse space and vice versa.
    Though this happens at any temperature far from the quantum limit.

In statistical physics entropy can be derived from summing (integrating) over all the combinatorially possible microstates in phase space volume.
One uses the partition function (in German "zustandssumme" translated literally: statessum - as in: sum of states).

Considerations regarding optimizations for higher energy efficiency

Losses from dynamic friction

Superlubricating mechanism friction on machine phase contacting sides is negligable.
Moving surface to liquid/gas contact should and can be minimized.
Friction losses from that still to investigate.

Entropic (likely lionshare)

Can less position-space-constrain be applied during transit through the sorting mechanisms (mills/rotors)?

  • What would be the effect of only partially constraining the forward drive motion? (likely not much – still many pockets linked together)
  • Could there be slots rather than pockets? (seems unlikely - molecule scale smooth channels are not possible – but is smoothness needed?)

Can more position-space-constrain be applied in the intermediary re-mixing cambers by making them very minimal in size? Does this make sense? What are the tradeoffs?

Is attempting thermal recuperation sensible possible and worth the effort?

  • probably yes for the very last permanent transfer to machine phase
  • what about the very closely spaced in and out dippings in and out of machine-phase in the sorting & remixing sequence?


External links