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== Related ==
== Related ==
* [[gemstone metamaterial on chip factories]]
* High heat conductivity in [[diamond]], [[lonsdaleite]], [[moissanite]], [[sapphire]], ...
* High heat conductivity in [[diamond]], [[lonsdaleite]], [[moissanite]], [[sapphire]], ...
* Dissipated waste heat
* Dissipated waste heat
* [[Gem-gum solid state heat pump]]
* [[Gem-gum solid state heat pump]]

Revision as of 14:53, 25 May 2021

This article is a stub. It needs to be expanded.

Just like an electronic data processing chip gem-gum on-chip factories will need some thermal management.

The characteristics of the thermal management and the reason for it's necessity are quite different
when compared with electronic chips like CPU's though.

Gem-gum factories will not run very hot

Usually for everyday production devices there will be no need to squeeze out the last bit of performance like in electronic data processing chips. Once a satisfactory production speed is reached there is not much motivation to run it faster and hotter.
Except for very special not widely occurring applications.

So gem-gum on-chip factories for everyday use will generally run rather cool.
Especially once piezochemical mechanosynthesis gets more optimized.

It is difficult to get a realistic estimation for waste heat disipation for piezochemical mechanosynthesis.
It is straightforward to get a worst case case estimate piezochemical mechanosynthesis.
Even for the worst case it still leads to a feasible design.
A real implementation will perform a lot better though.
See: Nanosystems

When it comes production or "un-production" via recomposition of microcomponents at leisurely everyday usage speeds then waste heat will likely not even be perceptible at all.

Active cooling make more materials accessible to mechanosynthetization

Active cooling to reduce atom placement error rate even further

While piezochemical mechanosynthesis] works just fine at room temperature it has even lower error rates when it is cooled down to cryogenic temperatures (by mean of internal machinery).

Also with cooling to cryogenic temperatures many materials become accessible to mechanosynthesis that are otherwise inaccesible due to high rates of surface diffusion (atoms jumping randomly around from the thermal jostling) at room temperature. Cooling down can reduce diffusion speeds from the speed of sound to one jump per year and for a whole mol of particles (6.022 * 10^23 particles). It's an exponential relationship. The materials mostly in focus here are pure metals with nontrivial surface arrangements. Pure metals are not the prime focus of gem-gum technology and their tendency to diffuse at room temperature is one of several reasons for that. Obviously if a final product with pure diffusion prone metals inside shall operate at room temperature, then after finished mechanosynthesis everything needs to be finished and packaged up nicely such that do diffusion can occur where not desired.

Cooling also might help in reducing holding constraint requirements when mechanosynthesizing more floppy lower dimensional structures (2D and 1D) like e.g. 2D graphene sheets, nanotubes and ethyne chains.

Active may allow for more efficient operation and even less waste heat

  • (TODO: Investigate that claim)


  • optimization of piezochemical mechanosynthesis
  • endothermic piezochemical reactions
  • pathways for heat to flow out of the system
  • pathways for energy to dissipate (devaluate from usable free energy to unusable bound energy)
