Odd gemstone-like compound
[hide]List of anorganic and metal free (odd) gemstone compounds
- BN Boron nitride – likely incombustible
- BP Boron phosphide – incombustible
Adding sulfur in high quantity – this time it works – well, somewhat, without total decomposition into liquids or gasses
Unlike with organic gemstone-like compounds
in the case of metal free gemstones without a lot of carbon (and nitrogen) inside, adding sulfur to the mix this time works (well, somewhat).
The resulting compounds do not become high explosives that yearn to become gasses or liquids acommpanied with a high release of energy.
Adding a sulfur into the mix in high ratio does not make the metal and carbon free gemstones unstable (decomposing to gasses) immediately
but does instead lead some quite exotic stuff crossing over to polymeric nature:
Boron sulfides:
- B2S3 Boron sulfide (wikipedia)
Phosphorus sulfides from many stable stiff highly cross-linked molecules. E.g.:
- P4S10 Phosphorus pentasulfide – interrestingly this has diamondoid structure but it's limited to one molecule
- P4S3 Phosphorus sesquisulfide
Sulfur nitrides from many (somewhat) stable structures. E.g.:
- S4N4 Tetrasulfur_tetranitride (shock sensitive)
- (SN)x Polythiazyl – Inorganic polymers
Elemental sulfur:
- (S)x Elemantal sulfur in form of long chains polysulfanes
In the by the sun "baked out" inner solar system
Places in the inner solar system like our Moon and planet Mercury might be quite devoid in volatile elements.
Including first and foremost carbon and nitrogen. What's down in their depths is still quite a mystery though.
If carbon and nitrogen really turn out to be very scarce there then these odd compounds listed here may be the only option to make non gemstone like polymeric substances.
Of course there is always the option to do get elastic materials by just emulating elasticity.
But the capacity of polymers to take up and release microstates in a controlled manner (for entropomechanical converters – entropic elasticity and entropic energy storage) cannot be emulated this way.
- Top: gemstone-like compound
- Superclass: Metal free gemstone-like compound
- Oddball compounds – (Not limited to gemstone-like compound, also listing molecular fluids and gasses)
- semi gemstone-like gemstone like sheets and
- non gemstone-like material