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Revision as of 18:32, 22 October 2017 by Apm (Talk | contribs) (Moved content over from General Introduction to atomically precise manufacturing and majorly updated text)

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This article is a stub. It needs to be expanded.

The aims of this wiki are:

  • To gather information specifically relevant for the development of an advanced device for atomically precise manufacturing.
  • To be comprehensible by average technological interested people but not at the expense of inaccuracy.
  • To collect relevant TODO points.
    In other words: To show that it's already rather clear what we have to do next.
    In other words: To show that we already know which questions have to be investigated.
    In other words: To show that by now there is enough knowledge for targeted development instead of aimless research.
  • To show that there is a lack of people working toward that goal today.
  • To present this huge amount of fairly uncirculated knowledge in a for it suitable way. That is to gather all this information in a non-linear hyper-linked fashion - this wiki.

  • To convey an intuitive feel for the mechanics of stiff AP nanomechanics.
  • To explain the different aspects of the still far off but somewhat predictable advanced AP systems.
  • To explain why the different aspects of advanced AP systems have a sound basis.
  • To explain why the different aspects of advanced AP systems are potentially of high value.
  • To discuss near and far dangers and opportunities that the emergence of near term and further out advanced AP products might bring.
  • To gather general discussions about APM related topics like e.g. about general software issues.

Today (2014, ..., 2017) there is still a puzzle of technological fragments. There are fragments of todays technology as well as fragments of future technology.

The fragments of future technology are more or less reliably identifiable by theoretical investigation. Those future fragments form the core basis for all aspirations towards advanced APM. And those future fragments are an absolute necessity to identify the fragments of todays technology (located at the beginning of the development path) that point in the right direction and that need to be pursued.

Beside Finding and identifiying more of those fragments the remaining objective is to find out what work needs to be done to tie the end of todays fragments together with the beginning of the fragments later in the technological capability ladder. By working on many "island fragments" on that path simultaneously, technology may be heading towards some kind of technological percolation limit where technological capabilities rapidly rise.