Mechanical metamaterial

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Up: Metamaterials

Mechanical metamaterials are materials that emulate mechanical properties through structuring at smaller size-scales.
This is relative. Mechanical metamaterials can have their base structures at all scales.
E.g. Cainmaille is crude, textiles are fine. For base structures at the nanoscale see: Gemstone based metamaterial

Reversible assembly is highly desirable.
See: Digital control over matter

Clear delineation to optical metamaterials

The term "Metamaterial" without prefix is often used to refer to optical metamaterials. This may be because:

  • Many existing mechanical metamaterials already have a name and are not consciously recognized as such (see below)
  • More advanced mechanical metamaterials are maybe experimentally less accessible than optical metamaterials (questionable ...)

Examples for (mechanical) metamaterials: past, present, future

out of the past: chain maille
Base-material: metals
Structure-size: clearly visible
of today: textiles
Base-material: plastics
Structure-size: microscopic
of the future: "gem-gum"
Base-material: gemstones
Structure-size: a few atoms


Known and existing cases of (passive) mechanical metamaterials are:

  • Chainmaille
  • Textiles
  • many natural materials produced by living organisms (bones with structured voids, naca with layered protein and minerals, ...)
  • .. there may be a few more that constitute whole different classes ??


Future mechanical metamaterials based on gemstone like compounds (in particular based on base materials with high potential)

Many unusual properties are (will be) possible.
For more examples see: Metamaterial#Examples

Non-mechanical metamaterials

The complement to mechanical metamaterials are the non-mechanical metamaterials. These include:


External links

  • Auxetics – one peculiar example of an nigh infinite amount of possibilities