The DAPMAT demo project
The diamondoid atomically precise manufacturing and technology (DAPMAT) demo project collection.
A collection of projects conducted by Lukas M. Süss (aka mechadense) for the creation of a collection of 3D printable models that illustrate functional parts in advanced diamondoid nanofactories.
(TODO: add a picture of the whole printed collection)
Convergent assembly visualisations
- two iterations fourfould multiplier with elongated bottom:
(TODO: more realistic with only a single bigger step visible)
- Drexlers big bearing as printable model
- Fractal tetrahedron design:
Microcomponent models
- truncated octahedra assembled into the main planes:
- single big truncated octahedron model (by ?)
Shape locking
- stiff rod:
- chains (two example types):
Infinitesimal bearing
- old and new model - work in progress (TODO: improve and publish 3D-model)
- (TODO: present purely rolling nonsliding concept too)
- animated demonstration of principle
Complete set of passive elements for mechanical circuits sub-projects
Mechanical distribution node
A 1:1:1:1:... differential gear assembly this is essentially the mechanical equivalent of a trivial electrical solder junction (TODO: improve and publish)
Spring (as analogy to electrical capacitor)
- (TODO: Upload screenshot for now)
Flywheel (as analogy to electrical inductor)
- (TODO: make a model)
Demonstrations of principles
Vacuum management
- novel lockout mechanism (TODO: publish) -- on flickr: [1] [2] See: "Vacuum handling" for details.
- progressing cavity pump (TODO: publish)
Fractal metamaterial redundancy principle
- How metamaterials can create reduncancy
Reversible mechanosynthesis
An illustration of the basic principle for reversible mechanosynthesis.
(TODO: Publish 3D-model)
Those are also very helpful for everyday macroscale 3D printing projects.
Cycloidical gears as rough approximation for atomic gears
- on github:
- on thingiverse:
Screw library allowing soft tooth profiles approximating atomic scale crystolecule screws
- In the works ...
(TODO: finish and publish - for now upload screenshot)