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Atomically precise manufacturing opens up a much bigger space in accessible structures for organic superconductors. Often high pressure is needed for superconductive behavior of a material. By simply enclosing material in a strained diamond shell those enormous pressures can be easily and locally applied.

(TODO: inhowfar is it theoretically known whether organic superconductors could compete with type II HTSCs in current density)

Current organic superconductors are (mosly/all?) molecular solids. To make them atomically precise advanced cryogenic mechanosynthesis (beyond basic capabilities) is needed. To keep them atomically precise those materials must be kept at sufficient cryogenic temperatures for their hole time of use to prevent diffusion. If it is possible to create organic superconductors with molecules that are sufficiently covalently interlinked those materials could be warmed up to room temperature without loosing their atomic precision.

List of some organic superconductors that are currently known. (only the ones that use the most common elements exclusively):

  • K3C60 TC=18K
  • (NH3)K3C60 TC=28K (under pressure)
  • NaC2 TC=5K
  • CaC5 TC=11.5K

(TODO: find corresponding maximum current densities as far as they are known)


  • Quantum computers
  • Energy transport:
    critical parameters are losses and maximum power density
    will it be able to compete with advanced solid state chemical energy transport?
    (TODO: compare advanced superconduction with advanced chemical energy transport)


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