Design of gem-gum on-chip factories

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raw notes:

  • level throughput balancing
  • layer and stage ratios
  • (folding)
  • level0 splitup in hot and cold section
  • power dissipation bottleneck
  • threading by
  • 3D fractal speedup
  • cooling & isolation

Although diamondoid mechanosynthesis works at room temperature cryogenic cooling will probably be employed just because it seems rather easy to do (see: "Diamondoid heat pump system") and error rates can be shrunken by many orders of magnitude.

Depending on whether general purpose mechanosynthetic fabricators or mill style fabricators (serial chain of tools with no spaces) are used predominantly more or less layers and channels for threading parts by are needed [?].

Component router systems

For the transport of unfinished product parts of different sizes from lower to higher assembly levels nanofactories may use routing structures (either with separate or merged multiplexing and de-multiplexing steps).

There are two in some respects similar yet in other respects very different steps where this can occur.

For all the optional steps in convergent assembly (assembly level IV) the lower stages should be programmable/steerable enough that no further shuffling is required. (Depending on the programmability the lower stages may too be simplified.)

Since direct control of those systems would clog the IO bottleneck hirachical heterogenous nanomechanical computing system must be integrated in parallel (one layer might suffice). Temporary storage facilities for microcomponents are optional and may be more useful as seperate macroscopic entity.

[Todo: explain free space designs, analyze parallelism]