Ribosome like chain assembly

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This is is about assembly metods that

  • take in in raw more or less pre(self)assembled parts
  • push out a chain that folds itself up into a bigger product

Actual ribosomes

  • Taken in are amino acids linked to much bigger TRNA handles
  • Pushed out are protein chains that fold up right away (thermally driven)

Often (always?) membrane proteins assemble right away directly into a target lipid membrane.
Btw: How do the chaperone folding helper proteins come close enough when there is quite a bit of obstruction by the ribosome?

Foldamer printers making parts bigger than their build volume

If the parts of the chain become too big to self-assemble in reasonable timescales nonthermal self assembly can be used.
It seems this requires the parts to be linked together into a chain.
But the parts are much bigger than simple amino acids here. The parts would be bigger stiff blocks of high geometry.
So this could work more like folding up chain of via hinged linked cuboid (or other highly geometric) blocks.

(wiki-TODO: add illustrative image for that idea)