The challenge of high speeds near nanoscale

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This article is speculative. It covers topics that are not straightforwardly derivable from current knowledge. Take it with a grain of salt. See: "exploratory engineering" for what can be predicted and what not.
This article is a stub. It needs to be expanded.

Disclaimer: This page is not about feasibility analysis of advanced productive nanosystems like gemstone metamaterial nanofactories.
Such systems propose very low speeds in the few mm/s range.
This page is about speculating over some exotic potential application cases
that are pushing the limits of what is possible possible and as part of that would need much higher speeds.

Superlubricity is only about static friction being zero.
Dynamic friction actually grows quadratically with spees making higher speeds a challenge.

Strategies for somewhat higher speeds:

  • Infinitesimal bearings
  • going for gearbearings with rollers avoiding sliding
  • if gearbearings then going for bigger gear-rollers eventually microscale or even mesoscale

Strategies for even higher speeds

  • Electrostatic levitation (some remnant waviness of the potential shrinking with distance)
  • See page "Levitation" for more ideas.

If the aim is high-speed-transport of solid-state cooling-pellets then quality of thermal contact is of concern too.
Electrostatic levitation basically only allows for EM radiative cooling.
