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(wiki-TODO: add screen-cap from presentation with proper credits)

This is a concept proposed by Eric K. Drexler.

The idea is to build a fully self assembled nanoscale device

  • that is remotely akin to a macroscale 3D printer.
  • that capable of assembling more advanced materials within its "build volume" via
    site activation assembly (a semi positional assembly approach)


Structural framework

Proposed: de-novo proteins.
There are huge challenges in achieving meaningful scalability for de-novo proteins.
That is: It i hard to design a set of de-novo-protein-blocks that form a
general purpouse consrtruction kit for highly geometrical assemblies
with controlled termination of self assembly over larger scales. A core issue here is that currently (2021) sets of de-novo proteins come
with very small orthogonal sets of interfaces.

Structural DNA nanotechnology:

  • would likely be too soft. It's much softer than stiff proteins
  • has possible attachment sites much more spaced out

Which is a shame because:

  • it is capable of making quite cuboid (slightly twisted) structures
  • it has quite a bit more meaningful sacability as of yet (2021)

Maybe it can be used if multiple foldamer technologies are combined.

Actuators Actuation

Proposed: Photo activated molecules.
There has been quite some progress in achivien seperate optical communication channels that have sufficiently low cross-talk.
All of these printers hit by the same light (many) would do the same in parallel.

Site activating tooltip

Still quite open question.
Depends on processed materials.

Processed materials

Still quite an open question.

  • smaller stiff molecules like e.g. spiroligomers maybe?
  • biominerals somehow?
  • other de novo proteins?
    Only if this enables assembly that would not be possible via selfassembly.
    Otherwise this would defeat the purpose of the device.

Products that are bigger than the build volume?

There are at least two options for doing this:

Self replication

This design is not dedicatedly aimed at self replicative capability and does not depend on it.
That said, the parts that it would make could be used to improve on next technological generations in a gradual fashion.

If eventually a point is reached where all parts of these foldamer printers are made by other foldamer printers
then the resulting devices would be qite on the compact end of the spectrum of self replicative systems.

  • More compact than self replication on the second assembly level.
  • Not as compact as the outdated concept of molecular assemblers since foldamer printers seem to depend on bigger pre-produced blocks.

A goal of these printers thoug is to aim towards assembly of more advanced materials with smaller stiffer building blocks.
Exactly such kinds of materials that cannot be made via selfassembly. Otherwise these printers would be pointless.

External links

  • Dr. Eric Drexler - The Path to Atomically Precise Manufacturing (timestamp 13:55)
    Uploased to YT by The Artificial Intelligence Channel on 2017-09-18
  • Dr Eric Drexler The Path to Atomically Precise Manufacturing (timestamp 13:55)
    Uploaded to YT by Daniel Yarmoluk on 2018-01-22