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This article is speculative. It covers topics that are not straightforwardly derivable from current knowledge. Take it with a grain of salt. See: "exploratory engineering" for what can be predicted and what not.

Warning! you are moving into more speculative areas.

Be prepared, This text get's speculative to a degree that is hard to top.

Brief in bullet points

  • Today AIs are fully deterministic & repeatable. That is: same input and same seed gives back same output every time.
  • Random seeds for AI are microscopic. They can sample only a microscopic part of the entire possibility space.
  • Just compare the number of possible seed inputs to the number of possible outputs.
    Making obvious that almost all possible outputs can never be generated. OUCH.
    We just don't care because the microscopic amount that can be generated alredy coverss incredible things.
  • All entropy for AI comes from the outside. From the prompt.
  • Even if highly intelligent (and perhaps somewhen self-aware & emotion-feeling)
    A fate that is solely given form outside factors alone seems in some sense leading to a "lifeless" mind or rather a mind trapped into recurrent fate.
    To explain …

A deeply philosophical belief that is making inner determinism of AI deeply problematic:
When assuming universe is subject to Poincaret recurrence withing the multiverse (see: Big bang as spontaneous demixing event)
Then in every recurrence cycle the outcome will always be the same.
The "soul" (in the sense of almost identical life histories within the multiverse) is trapped for eternity of all recurrences beyond eternity of a single recurrence.
Branching out to other "attractor-field fate-lines" is suppressed by using TRNGs and (compared to the output) microscopic seeds instead of using rich TRNGs for continuous influx of large amounts of true randomness data, sampling a significant fraction of the possibility space over the course of mutiversal eternity.

Biological brains may get true randomness from thermal noise.
Basically true quantum randomness (further mixed by chaotic systems).
This is not yet well researched to put it mildly.


(wiki-TODO: integrate belows tweet threads contents here) https://twitter.com/mechadense/status/1570373048515153920?s=20
