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This article defines a novel term (that is hopefully sensibly chosen). The term is introduced to make a concept more concrete and understand its interrelationship with other topics related to atomically precise manufacturing. For details go to the page: Neologism.

Artificial synthesis of chain molecules by iterative addition of monomers to the reactive end
suffers from exponential/geometric drop-off in yield.
With every added monomer a probability smaller one of failure is multiplied.

An artificial selfassembled rod of de-novo proteins can suffer the same.
But a stiff rod made from several parallel sub-strands can circumvent irreversible errors.


  • selfassembly at multiple spots simultaneously
  • sideward assembly crossing sub-strands is possible
  • sufficient stiffness of selfassemblies such that the same spot can be reached via multiple (at least two) pathways


  • A much reduced dropoff in yield of product.
    Especially for 2d and 3D structures where the number of paths for circumvention grows quadratically/cubically respectively.

The math for how the drop-off in yield is reduced exactly in not entirely nontrivial.
(wiki-TODO: check out the math more closely) Minimal problem:

  • Given A rod of n parallel rows of 2D-squares starting out empty adding to the right only.
  • Successive addition at the growth front – this needs to accounting for sideward additions – nontrivial
  • What is the average blocknumber till all paths are blocked

This is likely easy for n=2 analytically.
For bigger n this might be easiest answered with a simulation.
