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This article is speculative. It covers topics that are not straightforwardly derivable from current knowledge. Take it with a grain of salt. See: "exploratory engineering" for what can be predicted and what not.
This article defines a novel term (that is hopefully sensibly chosen). The term is introduced to make a concept more concrete and understand its interrelationship with other topics related to atomically precise manufacturing. For details go to the page: Neologism.
fractal braided river

On fundamental nondeterminism and the multiverse sort of existing

Our world is not deterministic.
So far physics is understood today …
– quantum randomness is truly random, an effect without a cause
– chaotic systems can amplify very small differences in initial conditions to lead to completely different outcomes

Evidence pointing to nondeterminism

Quantum randomness has been proven to not be about merely not knowing a pre-existing state.
At least local hidden variables have been disproven by the Bell experiment.
And "local" is by now quite far reaching. Given cosmic bell experiments performed in 2018.
Well, There still might be global hidden variables beyond that.
But this has neither been proven nor disproven.
Absence of hidden variables can only ever be proven up to a finite distance in spacetime.
So (assuming physical reality is like boundless just like math) global hidden variables will never be entirely disprovable.

Even with hypothetical hidden global variables found there'd still be nondeterminism backdoors left

As things stand today it seems highly unlikely, but if there hypothetically
would be found a common root cause for all of quantum randomness,
that is it turns out that quantum randomness is acting like a PRNG (pseudo random number generator)
due to global hidden variables then still where does
this PRNG come from then (in implementation and execution)?

Finding a single hyper-deterministic origin for everything can only shift the problem

One can only ever shift the problem of a definite origin outwards & backwards in spacetime.
A definite origin that would remove alternate pathways in the case of the supposedly nondeterministic wave collapse.
A definite origin that would hard disprove the sort-of-existence of alternate branches of reality.
One can never find the one ultimate origin that determines the whole history of the universe deterministically.
One can never find a point so far back that it leaves no split whatsoever to alternate realities.
A case against infinite hyperdeterminism.

Questioning finiteness of physics

Well, interpreting the big bang as spontaneous demixing event that provided only a finite amount of entropy drop in terms of bits
one might assume physics a being finite (unlike math, which is proven boundless with Gödels incompleteness theorems).
Then again what about the level of demixing being in a quantum superposition.
Or in a generalized simulation hypothesis the universe being a superposition of simulations of locally consistent outputs.
That would remove the definite finiteness due to limited entropy drop in terms of countable bits again.

The braided river of fate

This is just a mental image analogy that may or may not be correct and or useful for whatever.
The rivers channels are attractors for sequences of events that are most likely to happen.

The basic idea

Wide streams are more likely to be trodden paths of fate while small channels are less likely trodden paths.
Crossing between streams and channels is only occasionally possible and in rich Patterns.

Note the indicated fractality.
Each stream and channel is itself composed of a braided river.
There may be several levels of fractality. Not just two.

Concrete example interpretations

One interpretation might be the course of galaxy formation as a very large scale
And the course of human actions at a rather small scale.
But vastly different interpretations might be possible.
Including interpretations in reversible or purely functional computing.

Computing with bits at the smallest scale perhaps making the braided river into a discrete graph.
There are the above questionable finiteness of physics concerns though.

Many pasts for a single future

Note that there is not only …
– many futures to a past but also
– many pasts to a future.
That is an aspect that many might miss.

Still due to the arrow of time there is some necessary asymmetry
that is not captured in the symmetric braided river image.
So it must be considered a more local zoomin.

Degree of existence of future histories that require alternate pasts

In this our classically behaving macroscopic universe
only one path can be observed so we can only ever flow down the streams and channels.
In analogy to the light-cone there is a more general topological dependency cone.

The unreachable parts are kind of not even existent as potential futures.
Only reachable in an alternate universe that had a very similar but not identical initial state.

In macroscopic fully decohered reality

Well inverse quantum isolation may be an interesting though experiment that may allow some access to
otherwise unreachable parallel realities.

At whole universe scale

Poincaret recurrence to alternate versions of our universe is rather elusive and un(dis)provable.

In quantum computers

Things are quite a bit more concrete hard and practical at the scale of quantum computers.
Computers that draw their power from the sort-of-existente of locally alternate realities.
More a graph than a braided river.

Fractal iteration depth as nesting level of disruption of quantum entanglement

The iteration depth of self similar fractality in the braided river images
corresponds to the nesting depth of fully entangled superpositions.
That is if a part of a quantum computing circuit is wave collapsed relative to
an other part of the quantum computing circuit but the whole system
is sill kept fully non-collapsed relative to macroscopic fully decohered reality
then its at least one level deep in the fractality.


–––– Using annotated lambda diagrams to peek into the multiverse of possible execution trajectories
withing a codebase. For all of runtime, compiletime, edittime combined!

In fiction


  • Steins Gate – The attractor field
  • Endless Eight – Minute divergences in an otherwise (to rather painfully level) unchanging story-line