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APM in T.Level III may enable us to create an active muscle metamaterial that can reach and exceed the performance of human muscle tissue. A long cherished dream of robotic engineers.

The material consists out of many minimal sized active units. Each of them contains one or more elektromechanical or chemomechanical motors that extend or shrink the units length. For fault tolerance a the units must be connected parallel and serial in a hierarchical fractal fashion [TODO add info-graphic]. Instead of constant volume shear deformation in interfacial drives a volume changing extension or shrinkage takes place here.

With motor-muscles built out of modular microcomponents other microcomponents like chemomechanical converters and energy storage cells could directly be incorporated possible in a choosable ratio. This way one can trade efficiency (through lowering of power transport) for maximal power density.

Since on the nano level the muscle turns out to consist out of lots of motors a crossword might be fitting. Suggestion: Mokel.

All the power-supply infrastructure for the motors must be incorporated making the design quite complex.