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This site is run by / Diese Website wird verwaltet von:

Lukas M. Süss
Remove all the parenthesis: (this) lukas (line) . (contains) suess (my) @ (mäil) gmx (!) . at
Hämmerlegasse 33; 1100 Wien; Austria
0664 3600357 (I prefer text)
current personal online presence central

topic: wiki about advanced nanotechnology
gegenstand: wiki über fortgeschrittene nanotechnologie

This site is currently hosted by: www.bplaced.net
A server located in Austria.

Please inform me ASAP if there are some serious problems with this website.

If you are searching a fitting forum to this wiki look here: www.sci-nanotech.com (managed by Jim Logajan)
AFAIK this is the only topically accurate forum in existence today (2015-09 ... 2016-11)