Bonded forces
From apm
The classification is intentionally kept nonstandard here.
(wiki-TODO: Add visual mermaid diagram.)
[hide]Nuclear shielding effects
- Bonding orbitals – shielding nuclei by wave-function anti-node in-between
- Anti-bonding orbitals – exposing nuclei by wave-function node in-between
Delocalization stabilization (dueal to Pauli repulsion)
More delocalization and fewer nodes act energy lowering and thus bond-stabilizing
- Multicenter electron deficient bonds (e.g. diborane)
- Conjugated systems (e.g. graphitic/aromatic systems)
- Metallic stabilization (e.g. pyrite, titanium nonmetallides)
Polar/ioninc stabilization
- stabilization due to electron polarity shifts due to electronegativity differences
(e.g. periclase MgO, bromellite BeO)