Energy storage cell
In advanced AP systems energy storage and conversion is more clearly distinct than in e.g. todays bulk electric accumulators.
Energy storage cells need chemomechanical converters or elektromechanical converters
and often some form of mechanical macroscopification to form a complete system.
AP systems can often avoid high energy densities which always are potentially dangerous since energy can be transmitted quite fast and efficiently (e.g. with energy transport cables)
- radicals zip cells
- chainmolecule stretcher cells
- micro to nano sized high pressure hydrogen capsules
- nitrogen based compounds cells (avoiding explosiveness)
- flywheels cells
- ...
Cryogenic hydrogen storage is inherently macroscopic. Nano-sized capsules have a huge surface to mass ratio making individual thermal isolation effectively infeasable. [Todo: discuss (known) potential losses of cryodenic storage in an AP product]
Cells may be have various sizes sub equal or super microcomponent size.