White sapphire

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  • very hard material (Mohs 9 – defining mineral), very high heat conductivity
  • made out of the extremely common element aluminum (more common than carbon)
  • thermodynamically stable not just metastable thus very heat resistant

  • Crystal structure: trigonal

It is of slightly less high symmetry than other interesting base materials.
Maybe look at metastable polymorphs at the eventual cost of somewhat less heat resistance?


Note: The page uses the term "leukosapphire" instead of just "sapphire" because
just sapphire is often associated with a blue to black variant where the color is caused by metal impurities.
A base material for gemstone metamaterial technology would be perfectly impurity free and colorless clear though.
Like a leukosapphire. Just even more clear.



Deltalumite Al2O3 (δ form of corundum, polymorph of sapphire) – tetragonal – Mohs ? –

Paper: "Deltalumite, a new natural modification of alumina with spinel-type structure"

How to spell this ??

  • Delt-alumite?
  • Delta-lumite?
  • Delta-alumite?

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