Convergent mechanical actuation

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For adding up nanoscopic movement (speed / angular speed and force / torque) generated by chemical electrical or an other energy source to macroscopic movement there are multiple methods conceivable:

Interfacial drive

An interfacial drive has the same basic structure as an infinitesimal bearing with the layer structure made so much bigger that enegry generation and possibly storage can be incorporated.

Hierarchical axles

A system of hirachical axles would be a macroscopic axle by driven by n1 sub axles each of which is driven by n2 sub sub axles and so forth down to the lower physical size limit meaning axles built out of single DMMEs.

This design is more complicated than an interfacial drive since it has a much more complicated fractal geometry and many layers at different size scales calling for different designs. All the axles from the third or fourth hirachical layer from the bottom upwards will need to be supported by infinitesimal bearings. Evening out the speed difference on the contact points of intermeshing meso- to macroscopic gears in a similar fashion (drive contact) is another difficult problem.

To avoid gearing down to too low speeds some stages need to gear up as a countermeasure. There are more than eight inter-meshing gear contacts in series from the generators to the macroscopic load (or vice versa) thus this design only makes sense with the exceptionally high efficiency of nanomechanical gears compared to macroscopic gears.