Machine-phase chemistry

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Guiding reactive moieties along tightly controlled paths …

  • can largely suppress unwanted side reactions
  • can largely increase rates for the actually desired reaction (higher effective concentration)

Strongly related to machine-phase chemistry are the finger problems.

Keeping up total reaction rate - spacetime reaction density

Generally this positional guiding of reactants …

  • reduces the spacial density (spacial frequency) of active reaction sites
  • increases the temporal frequency (temporal density) of reaction events

The latter must and can overcompensate in for the loss in the former.

Applying forces

Actively applying forces (or torques) can accelerate reactions further in some cases.
In some cases applied force can slow down reactions though. See: Inter system crossing.

Exoergicity & reaction speed

Higly exoergic >>kT reactions with no energy recuperation will typically happen fast.
Energy recuperation (and maybe even dissipation sharing to squeeze out as much efficiency as possible)
will change reaction range rates in nontrivial ways. Related: Energy recuperation & Reversible actuation

Absence of endoergic reactions

Endoergic reactions progress forward because they dump more entropy into position space than what they suck out of impulse space.
As machine phase has per definition an entropy of zero in position space that is
never growing (always instantly reset within each assembly step by pumping entropy out to impulse space (heat))
endoergic reactions are impossible in machine phase.

Well, excluding things that are within machine phase safely encapsulated and have an interior that is intentionally not in machine phase.
See: Entropomechanical converters for a prime example of that.

Pseudoendoergic ripp-off reactions

Still reactions that need energy for bond splitting can be performed by applying force
Basically this is done by stiffly linking the reaction to an other reaction located elsewhere that is
more exoergic than what the splitting process needs. A site for chemomechanical conversion. See: exoergicity offloading
Related: Lagrangian mechanics for nanomechanical circuits and Drive subsystem of a gem-gum factory
