Mesoscale friction
The problem: A missing model for friction at the intermediate size scales.
Comparison of friction at different scales
Macroscale friction:
- dependent on normal force
- independent from bearing area
Nanoscale friction:
- dependent on speed (squared!)
- dependent on bearing area
- independent on loads (to a degree)
Micro to mesoscale friction ??
Just an interpolation between the two?! Seems theoretically unbiased.
Even if just interpolate, then how?
Q: What model for friction is appropriate to apply at intermediate scales?
How do optimal larger scale bearings look like even?
Maybe infinitesimal beaings based on atomically precise roller gearbearings?
Or working from macroscale down existing bearins modified such that any remaining sliding is gearbeared on a smaller scale?
Sounds crazy fractal exotic.
Q: High can low friction at high speeds of macroscale bearing be achieved
without incurring the problem of wear that macroscale bearings suffer from?
For estimating frictional losses in the higher up assembly levels of a gem-gum factory
a crudely order of magnitude correct model of critical necessity.
Related: Friction in gem-gum technology & Friction
High speed limits to infinitesimal bearings
Just making very thick infinitesimal bearings of atomically precise diamondoid slide bearing seems far from optimal.
For very high speeds like e.g. take the Unsupported rotating ring speed limit of about 3000m/s even large layernumbers
leave friction levels high.
1cm thick sheet of 10nm infinitesimal bearing layers => 1000000layers @ 3mm/s 1000000m² internal bearing area per 1m² effective bearing With (conservative estimate) ~10mW/m² at 3mm/s that is 10kW friction OUCH. going 10cm thick 1000W still a lot.