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This is about a a device for human free space locomotion in microgravity.

The idea is to shoot out a grappling gripper on a rope towards something bar like to grapple on
and then to pull oneslelf in onto that.

  • Unlike on earth with lots of gravity in microgravity this could actually be functional and practical.
  • It would rely on the presence of appropriate infrastructure to grapple onto.
  • It will need to be waist mounted such that it pulls onto the center of gravity in a comfortable way.
  • It will need to shoot out the rope too such that the grappler does not need to be a heavy and/or very fast and thus dangerous projectile.

For better stability and control more than one rope is needed.
Six ropes (to stabilize all six degrees of freedome) would probably be overkill and lead to an unmanagable tangle.
But three to four may make sense. With three one can not only go left and right but also up and down.
Spacing of attachments points sould give at least a little control over rotations.
But a better solution is to combine this suit wit a medium mover suit that can take care about stabilizing rotations.

Locomotion would also function in the vacuum of space.
A proximity to wall mounted structures is needed though.
This is in contrast to medium mover suit without gas reserves.

As everyday locomotion device

Probably not anytime soon even after initial space colonization.
Maybe for space colonists in hollowed out asteroids?
See: Asteroid belt

As an (awesome) racing and aiming sport

A free space racetrack could be made where there are ropes along the track in a 3D pattern.
Patterned similar to how the cables in electric overhead lines are partnered but occasionally cross linked.

Depending on the reached top speed (which may be pretty high) appropriate Safety measures must be taken.

How gemstone metamaterial technology could be used in these devices

  • Smartly breaking ropes on excessive sideward load to prevent accidents.
  • Self-detwisting ropes
  • Compact acceleration mechanism for the soft gripper
  • tentacle robotics in the soft gripper


External links

  • In fiction: See the gear in Attack on Titan