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There's 1:1 correspondence between mechanical and electrical quantities


  • voltage U in volts V ~ force F in newton N ~ moment M in Nm
  • current I in ampere A ~ speed v in m/s ~ angular speed omega in rad/s
  • power P=U*I ~ P=F*v ~ P=M*omega
  • resistance R=U/I ~ R'=F/v ~ R=M/omega -- (conductivity just the inverse)


  • charge Q in As ~ position x in m ~ angle alpha in rad
  • capacity C in As/V ~ linear-stiffness k in N/m ~ angular-stiffness in kappa in Nm/rad
  • electric field E in V/m ~ ...
  • dielectric constant epsilon in (As)/(Vm) ~ ... ?
  • D ...


  •  ? ... ~ mass m in kg ~ moment of intertia kg*m^2
  •  ? ... ~ linear impulse kg*m/s ~ ...

Note that there are also 1:1 corresponcences to the inverse quanities (switching current with volatge - everything else follows automatically).

One can build mechanical circuitry (out of mechanical circuit elements) just as one does with electrical elements.