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The idea is to mechanosynthesize a thick walled nanoscale tube.
But not the full 360° of the circumference. But rather only a faction.
Leaving a lengthwise segment of the tube missing.
Inner diameter being very small.
Perhaps even pretty much zero.

For that to be possible rather than a strained shell structure it may start out
with custom internal bond topology allowing for a very small
inner diameter without high strains initially.
See related Kaehler brackets, thes too approximate shapes by bond topology but are more general.
One will want to preserve some rotational symmetry.

The shape is akin to the open source software logo.
Just extruded to some length.
(wiki-TODO: Add a sketch of a yet uncharged ultra high pressure tube/rod.)

The open faces remain without any nanoscale passivation for later seamless covalent welding.
The outer surface get nanoscale passivation as the "charging clamp" will need to grip there.

Charging to pressurized state

This tube/rod like structures (with lengthwise a segment mission)
gets "charged" by a high force nanoscale clamp mechanism that squeezes it together to a tube/rod.
The open bonds for seamless covalent welding are arranged such that they all match up.

By this process the core of the tube/rod gets highly compressed.

Other methods for high pressure tubes/rods

Anvil cell

There obviously are options to go to even higher pressures by
slightly more complicated approaches pressing form several sides
leaving no directions for atoms to potentially escape.
Similar to today's diamond anvil cells but in the nanoscale.

And once charged they seal permanently via seamless covalent welding.
Though some thought needs to be put in avoiding premature seamless covalent welding.
Perhaps only an outer thicker layer does the welding.
(wiki-TODO: add a sketch - combining tube segment squeezing with anvil cell approach within)

Noble gasses

Another approach is just compressing gasses like e.g. noble gasses into thick walled nanoscale tubes
with bulky high pressure nanoscale positive displacement pumps.
Especially heavier noble gasses seem to transition to metallic states.
Though anything before and beyond argon in the periods of the periodic table is rare (to varying degree).

Related process strained shell structure charging

Strained shell structures could be "charged" similarly.
They just can start out completely flat.
Achievable inner pressures are more limited though as atoms can escape away to the inside.
May be more likely to break from the outside as neutral fiber shifts (to check).


  • Increasing critical temperature of superconductors.
    Perhaps even allowing for viable stable room temperature superconductors
  • Allowing other perhaps more common elements to also be used as superconductors.

See: Non mechanical technology path
