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There are many (for human eyes) colorful gemstones.
Also there are many (for human eyes) colorful chemical chelate complexes.
These are transition metal cations within the gemstones or chelating molecules respectively.

In gemstones colors come from F-Centers aka color centers (Color = Farbe in German thus the F).
The situation for chelates is quite similar to gemstones ableit
there seem to be more options for ligands and coordinations of them.

The idea for gem-gum display technology involves two aspects:

  • combining the richness of chelates with the controllability of gemstones
  • tuning colors away from the base color by applying high pressures (including negative ones)

Far out spectral colors that are hopelessly beyond today's (2022) display technology
(sunset oranges, blossom pinks, rainbow turquoise) will be achievable.

Intensities far beyond what today's displays can do might also become accessible.
Recreating a sunset with real light intensities is waaay beyond current display technologies.

Combining best parts of gemstones & chelates

The idea is to hold typical chelate ligands
but rather than with a solvated chelate mokecule(s)
instead with a background solid state framework (in machine phase).
To have a small scale local environment that allows for many stable shapes like
in Kaehler brackets is necessary to use covalent non-metallic nonionic elements
Typically (but not neccessarily) containing carbon (aka organic)

For details see: Organometallic gemstone-like compound

Tuning F-Centers by applied force

For details see: Color emulation

The idea is to apply force to de-tune the energy gaps and thus the absorbed (or emmitted) colors.
For displays actuators need to be included.

  • Passive absorptive displays just convert light to excitation to heat
  • Active emmissive displays need some electronic excitation

Beside creating electronic excitations conventionally with electric currents
an interesting new (perhaps more efficient) way to create electronic excitations and then light is via mechanooptical conversion. Steampunk photonics.

Hyperspectral displaying

Since in the cube of one pixel many color centers can find space
such displays should be capable of hyperspectral modelling.
That is for each pixel an intensity over wavelength curve can be chosen.

A bit more limited for holographic displays
given the pixels "only" have the size of one wavelength cubed
notably reducing the number of tuned f-centers fitting in that volume

Space for tuning structures

Conveniently F-centers can have a large effect,
thus the individual ones can be spaces out a bit
giving more space for the tuning structures.

(TODO: Quantify how much space there will be typically for F-center tuning)
