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For everyday usage

Form factor of gem-gum factories

In first approximation these devices are basically ultra advanced 3D printers.
As such somewhat similar interfaces are needed.


For devices intended as technology backup for civilization

See main pages: Desert scenario & Disaster proof

Accessibility of the device

As neither language nor degree of education nor eventual disabilities of the user can be guessed in advance.
Thus the user interface system needs to be capable of dealing with a wide variety of scenarios. Preloaded.

Communicating UI expandability of the device

For such devices a small form factor (around keyfob geo-tag sized maybe) might be ideal
as smaller means sturdier and more of them. This limits initial display size on first encounter
and makes communicating the option of expanding the user interface to
smartphone-size or laptop-size (or smart glasses) a first priority.

Communicating availability/precence of the device

The initially small and compact device obviously can call attention to it via bright flashes and loud sounds. With notable expenditure of energy. Question is: When should it?

  • How to detect that someone in the vincinity might be in trouble?
  • And how to tell that it is not juts a passerby that is totally fine and
    would only be annoyed by randomly strewn out screaming and flashing devices.
  • And how to balance detection with energy consumption.
    Small area gives not much solar power to recharge. Worse when buried.

Then only small thermal gradients and ground vibration remain as very minuscule energy source.

Redundant communication channels

Beside textual communication in various languages, voice IO and braille for touch reading,
the devices definitely needs to include symbolic language for
communicating at least means for fulfillment of basic needs. Universally understood symbols (skull, smile, …). Rather not symbols that need knowledge of specific culture for understanding.

Note that this is not about (also good) multimodality (communication channels complementing each other).
Each communication channel alone should be able to convey as much as possible on its own.

Artificial Intelligence

Given the with gem-gum-tech tappable potential for high density low energy computing
Adding AI/AGI assistance should be possible. Even with a rather compact (keyfob-sized) form factor.